Thursday, December 9, 2010

So you ASHY Huh?

WE all have seen that person who think they have it all together, but when you look them over they are ASHY!!! They have ashy hands, lips, elbows or feet...if they have on shorts...knees!!! Stop this travesty!!! Pass this along to everyone who stays ashy...we got to get the word out!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Cry for Help?

I wonder why people claim they want change but when it comes they complain about it!

Weight Loss - you complain that you want to loose weight but then when good suggestions come your way like
  • Hire a trainer   EXCUSE:  Girl I ain't got no money for that, times is hard
  • Join a gym       EXCUSE:  I just said I don't have extra money for that
  • Walk or Job    EXCUSE:  Girl it's too cold outside; I have bad knees
  • Diet/Change your eating habits     EXCUSE: Girl I don't diet, it doesn't work
A Companion - you complain you need a mate and then when you get that mate you complain
  • They work too much (They need to get a real job)
  • They don't do chores, cook or clean (I can't do nothing, they always cleaning)
  • They don't talk to me or listen (they talk too much)
  • They don't send me flowers (Every time I turn around they giving me something)
  • They don't spend enough time with me (Every time I turn around they in my face)
A Promotion - you complain you should have gotten the promotion and then when you do get it
  • They don 't pay me enough to do all of this
  • I have so much to do and not enough help

When you get your desire, whatever it may be, appreciate the gift and don't complain about it. Enjoy life!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

In Plain Sight, Slaves

When I saw this story I was truly alarmed and sadden. I thought to myself  is this happening in my city?  Think about how many times have you visited your favorite nail or braiding salon and seen the rotation of nail techs...and then when you ask where they are, they give your a flimsy answer? Selah

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


When is the right time to tell someone they are funky as h- e - double hocky sticks?  What if the person is a repeat offender?  Do you throw tact right out the window and just tell them or do you discreetly pull them aside?  Do you make a loud statement voicing somebody STANK!

I am not talking about someone who just finished working out and maybe a little odorous from the physical activity. I am talking about that person who comes to work at 5am in the morning and smell like they bathed in elephant funk mixed with two days of rotten garbage.  (Whew...just thinking about it I gagged a little)..I can't even talk right now...

TRUE STORY: It was three men working in an aircraft.  Two were inside and one was standing at the door.. One of the men that was inside the aircraft came rushing out, shaking his head looking disgruntle and bewildered.  The young man standing outside of the aircraft asked what was wrong, he stated " Boy... Boy (gags a little) ....catches his breath.....that guy's breath's so strong it could kill a MOOSE!"


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Do you Splurge or Overspend?

  1. to indulge oneself in some luxury or pleasure, esp. a costly one: They splurged on a trip to Europe. 
  2. to show off. 
  3. to spend (money) lavishly or ostentatiously: He splurged thousands on the party. 
  4. an ostentatious display, esp. an extravagantly expensive one.
Overspend –verb (used without object)
  1. to spend more than one can afford: Receiving a small inheritance, she began to overspend alarmingly
  2. to spend in excess of: He was overspending his yearly salary by several thousand dollars 
  3. to spend beyond one's means (used reflexively): When the bills arrived, he realized he had foolishly overspent himself. 
  4. to wear out; exhaust.
Ask yourself do you often times "splurge" at the expense of "overspending"?  Here's a little quiz:

Have you robbed Peter to:
  1. Pay Paul
  2. Buy some shoes
  3. Buy a purse
  4. Go on a trip
  5. Buy an outfit
If you answered yes to any of these I am asking you to STOP ROBBING PETER!!!! Peter is BROKE. Peter is trying to save his money so he can do somethings he want instead of financially supporting you. LOL

All jokes aside if you are living this lifestyle, you are not living.  Get a financial grip so that you can enjoy life!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Power of Sweet Potato Pie

Well yesterday morning when my family and I left for work/school, there was a full uneaten sweet potato pie on the kitchen table.  All the chairs were pushed up to the table.

Our cute soon to be one year old dog, Luke was left home alone.  He normally is really good. No trouble at all.

When we returned this is what the pie looked liked...


1.  Hide the pie
2.  Install hidden cameras
3.  Instead of covering pie with aluminum foil use Teflon

Friday, November 19, 2010

To tell or not to tell?

Why Why Why do parents LIE to their children?!  SMH   Every year many, many, many, an uncountless number of parents fall into the trap...SANTA .... Really? (Slight roll of the eyes and suck the teeth....child please)

I remember as a child growing up with my parents telling me this lie.  When I realized there was no SANTA..I thought to myself...all this time they've been telling me not to lie and to always tell the truth but yet they have been lying to me all this time.  I remember being so mad about that.    I made a decision at that time that I would not lie to my children and I didn't. 

We told them the truth, and guess what they still were surprised at the gifts they received.  I remember being in the grocery store with my children and the store clerk asked them what was SANTA bringing them for Christmas  and they replied "Nothing, because he is not real,"..she got angry at me and asked me why did I tell them, and I told her I choose not to lie to my kids, now what you do and say to yours is your business.  She look perplexed but could genuinely understand my point.

Tell the Truth this year parents..STOP Lying to the kids...Don't make me tell them...(LOL)

Thursday, November 18, 2010


The last couple of weeks one of the hot topics has been about kids being bullied.  My husband and I were discussing it this morning.  Why is this such a big topic now when it's being going on for years.  I remember being in the third grade and this 5th grade boy tried to bully me out of my seat.  He threatened to "beat me up", but because my father had instilled pride and self worth in me at an early age I stood up this boy.  Yes we ended up fighting and yes we ended up in the principle office...yes my parents were called...but the end result is I never had any more issues with him or anyone else trying to bully me. 

As we continued to discuss this I thought within my self, one thing that fuels a bully is fear.  Fear itself can bully you.  Keep you from accomplishing a successful and happy life.  What fear is bullying you? Fear of failure? Fear of Rejection?  Fear of the Unknown?  I could go on and on with a list of  fears, but my friend I want to encourage you to stand up against those fears.  Write down your vision. Each day take a step toward accomplishing goals to help manifest what you have envisioned. 

The enemies of FEAR are Faith and Action.  Act on what you believe and believe that when you act it will be successful.  Just TRY!

He Still Loves Me

My husband and I just celebrated 21 years of marriage.  I am truly honored and humbled that he loves me more now, then ever (his words not mine).  I  just wanted to take this time out to let him know how much I love and appreciate him.  He is truly my dearest friend.  He is the foundation of my support system.  When I didn't want to be strong he encouraged me to find the strength to endure. He helps me challenge my challenges. 

I remember our first few years of marriage we would have little spats and one day we both decided that we didn't get married to fuss and debate all the time but yet to enjoy life and each other.  We also decided that divorce wasn't a choice.  We wanted our marriage to work and guess what, it is.  I just want to say to him I love him and appreciate his love for me more then he will ever know. Lovell you truly have my heart and  have caused me to fall in love with you all over again.    You are truly a strong, gentle and loving man, full of charm and charisma.

1.  Keep God in your life and he will definitely help guide you in your marriage.
2.  Keep negative/noisy folk out of your marriage.  If your friends are talking about their spouse negatively don't join in...better yet stop talking with them.  (Your spouse is a reflection of you.  You married them)
3.  Find a couple to who are successful in their marriage and talk with them. See what they did to make it last.
4.  Hurt people hurt people.  Communication is good but playing the blame game will not get your far.  Take responsibility for your actions.
5. Listen
6. Spend quality time together. Weekend getaways once a month are a must!
7. Be selfless rather than selfish.
8. Forgive and forget.  Practice forgiveness and don't bring it up again.  This works. 
9. Express your love through action and words. 

When was the last time you told your spouse you loved them? 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Racist or just Angry Woman Venting?

If you constantly think about something eventually you will talk about it.  In today's society it amazes me how people will claim to be one way but their actions clearly speak the truth. 

 Then if that wasn't enough.....he got FIRED!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Needless Pain

Yesterday I was listening to an old gospel hymn and the line that struck me was "oh what needless pain we bare"..all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer. Think about it.  What decisions have you made that caused you unnecessary pain or better said, "self inflicted" discomfort.

Major decisions should not be made in a rush or under pressure.  Your decisions should not be based on emotions. You should practice praying and waiting. Get good counsel from mature people. (Not necessarily old in age, but mature wise people)  People that will give you sound judgment. Everything that comes to your mind is not a good idea and may even cause you discomfort because you didn't seek counsel or just think it through.

Don't be one of those individuals that ask for advice and then turn around and do just the opposite.  SMH...

What have you carried to God in prayer?  When was the last time you prayed?  Think about it. If you believe prayer works, guess what it does.  If you think prayer doesn't work, then guess what God overlooks what you think just to prove to you that it does.  Try it.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


I know I have a challenge in this area and I am trying to change that behavior. Yes I exhibit aggressive behavior when I drive. I shake my fist at 18 wheeler trucks that cut in front of me, and one time this guy called me a name because I wouldn't let him cut in front of me and I actually yelled back, "Yo Mama!"....not good ...not good.

I thought that if I asked my husband to drive I would be fine...well...let's just say even as a passenger you can still be just as aggressive if not more....BUT the good thing about my husband driving is, as long as I was distracted I hardly noticed the the morons, I mean other drivers.

Well today I was driving home and my husband and daughter were in the car with me and this neon was trying to pass me because the road was merging into one lane...well before I realized what the driver was doing it was too late for me to speed up and stop them (which is what I normally would do, because I feel my time is just as important as theirs and they should have left earlier..anywho) so as I regretfully let them get in front of me a thought came to mind and I actually spoke it aloud...I said, "I wish someone would make a machine that I can attach to my vehicle and whenever someone cuts me off and/or gets in front of me I could press a button and these long arms would come from the side of the vehicle and pluck the car from in front of me and place them in the back where they were to begin with" husband replied..."what a shame"....smh....I guess I still need some help....

Check to see if you are an aggressive driver.  Take this quick test and tell me what your results are.  Surprisingly I was a Safe AGGRESSIVE driver with a 50% chance of being a Road Rager.....

Take Test

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Stop it!! You are Too B-I-G for that!!!!

Have you ever seen someone do or even wear something and you think to yourself, "They are too big to be doing that!"  Please take note:  All fashion trends are NOT for all ages. There must come a time in your life when you realize... you are just too old/mature to wear that fashion trend.  You can not be in your thirties dressing like you on son!

Granny Really?! You should have given up the mini a long time know they are banning mini's...
Com on son!

SMH...I have nothing to say...
No one is wearing this fashion trend but him..oh yeah and Austin Powell.

You really are tooooo BIG for this
If you are not sure what is age appropriate fashion check out my girl Style by Constantine

Friday, October 22, 2010

So Your Advice Works for Everyone BUT You?!

I was talking with some associates about various subjects.  Everyone began to voice their opinion about talk shows and I made the point that I don't particular pay much attention to people who try to advise me on subjects they have not really experienced.  How are you going to give me advise on a successful marriage when you have never been married, have no intentions on getting married, and don't really believe in the concept of marriage? That's just like a bum telling me how to make millions and invest smartly....Really?!   Several people agreed and then made mention that one talk host in particular loves to give advice on successful marriages and points out what each partner is doing incorrectly, but yet this person is your advice works for everyone but you?

In today's society there seems to be a lot of people who are giving great advise but are not adhering to their own words.   We all have read or even seen media stories about people in very influential positions saying one thing and then it comes out that they are doing the unthinkable.  INTEGRITY people!!! It's a characteristic that we all should develop. 

I know my parents would tell me your word is bond!  Mean what you say and say what you mean.  ACCOUNTABILITY!  Who are we being accountable to?  Do you value the words that you speak?  Do you live by the advice you give others?  Selah....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What do You Really Want?

A few months back a young lady was complaining about the job she was working. She didn't really like it. It didn't pay enough.  It was boring.  It wasn't what she really wanted to do.  She had actually decided to submit her two weeks notice, but before she could turn it in, the company decided to terminate her.  Much to my surprise, she was actually upset about it.  I asked her why and she replied, it's just the way that it was done that upset her.  I shared with her, that it doesn't matter how it was done, she got the result she wanted...OUT.  She could now pursue her passion, but yet she was focused on how she was "wronged" that she couldn't celebrate the opportunity she'd been given.

Often times when what we hope and pray for does not come in the exact place and time we have plotted on our time line of life we celebrate the negative instead of the positive. We focus on the minor and allow the major to dissipate.

A young man had applied for a job that he really wanted overseas.  Weeks had passed by with no word.  He begin to give up.  He began to think to himself that he had not gotten the job.  His wife cut out a picture of the location of the job and hung it up.  He refocused and the next day the company called and offered him the position.

I was talking to my Bestie (my husband), and I was sharing some frustrations concerning a job. His response really helped me to refocus my goals. He simply asked why are you letting that job frustrate you? It's not your final destination; at the present time it is just a means to an end. Yes, he was correct. I immediately got my attitude in line and was back on track. My goal was back in focus.

REFOCUS, get a good support system around you.  Put up motivating visuals.  Think you can and you will, good, bad or indifferent.  Selah!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lil Peanut

The little guy is so mannerly and even his lyrics are age appropriate. Lil Peanut is a 7 year old rapper. He is a ham! A great conversationalist and funny.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Self Driving Cars?

I was looking at the news and the topic was self driving cars and how they are testing them in California. My first thought was uncertainty. what if it crashes? How safe are the probabilities? How prepared would drivers be for something like this? Then I thought about the conveniences:

1. My daughter has to be at the bus stop every morning at 5:58am sharp..self driving car could take care of that! More sleep for me...YEEEESSSS

2. My daughter likes to be picked up after school and we live approximately 25 miles away and with traffic it takes about an hour to get hour....self driving car could take care of that! More time for me....YEEEESSSSS

3. My daughter likes to plan impromptu activities....self driving car could take care of that!

4. My daughter wants to learn how to drive, well with the self driving car why would you need to learn to drive? Just be a passenger the rest of your life.

So far I am siding with the self driving car. I mean think about it, some if not most trains do not have conductors. Selah...

Now that may be fancy, that self driving car!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

There are consequences to your actions. and you WILL Pay

WE all have made decisions and didn't really think about the consequences.
Some consequences were very minimal if that, and some you may still be paying for. In the video below everyone involved will think twice about the decisions they make.

What would you have done if you were in this situation? Leave a comment.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Don't Let Opportunities Pass you By

Have you ever bought a new car and once you bought it all of a sudden that's all you see on the highways and side streets. The mind is an awesome tool, whatever you are intrigued with you become focused on and therefore you are more aware of it.

This proves that your mindset can be changed, with no fancy persuasion.

QUICK STORY: A young man told me he went to a seminar and the speaker pulled out $100 and asked who wanted $100. Everyone raised their hands. He asked again, "Who wants $100.00?" Finally someone got it and ran up and took the money.

How many times have opportunities passed you by because of your mindset or just not being focused.

Don't let others dictate your outcome. Don't get bogged down with status quo or the norm, because that will keep you where you are and opportunity will pass you by daily.

TIP: Write down your vision/goals and focus on them. Hone in on it, strategize your success.

Monday, October 4, 2010

No more DRAMA!!

That is a declaration we should all make. Life is meant to be lived joyfully and stress free. The word "Stressed" was not even prevalent until the late nineties. That doesn't mean people were not having challenges it just means that our society has become engrossed with labeling every thing. Sometimes the best remedy is laughter. When is the last time you had a good laugh? Are you one that can see the silver lining in the mist of a storm or do you just see the dark clouds that hoover over? Do you eat problems like candy or do you allow them to consume you? Are you consumed with 90% negativity and 10% misery? I asked a guy at work was he having a good day and he had the best response, "That's all I ever have. I never have a bad day". GREAT declaration!

NOTE: God makes the day and he gives you the ability to choose how to use it, good, bad or indifferent. Choose to have good days.

QUESTION: Is it easier to say no because you are too lazy to say yes and put some work into change? Is it better to complain then resolve the challenge? Is it second nature for you to tear someone down then to say thank you and encourage them?

The people you hang around are a reflection of you


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

So you were in a PINCH?!

SMH...when you don't plan properly this is what can happen:

Plan, Plan and then Plan AGAIN!!! Rehearse Rehearse Rehearse.  Know what you are getting before you put yourself out there.  Even though this guy did the right thing, they got the wrong results.

Not Fancy...that was just plain funny!

Monday, September 27, 2010

They did What?! How Crass is That!!!

How many times have you been out and about and someone does something that makes you go "Yuck!" ,,,"OMG"...."What the Devil?!" whip your head around for a second look just to confirm what you did or didn't see.  Uh Huh...I've been there a time or two myself. 

QUICK STORY: A group of co-workers go to dinner after work and the appetizers are set on the table.  Everyone starts grabbing different food items, well the one person that was using a fork to select all their food items looked around dauntingly and asked "why I am the only one, not allowed to select my food without a fork?"  well the coworkers went around the table and one by one began to explain why

  • you always take your index finger and swipe it under your nose and make gross noises.
  • you moved out of one condemned residence into another
  • you have shared health issues that should have been reserved for no one to hear or know except you and your doctor
SUMMARY: you do nasty things, you live in nasty places and you like to be with nasty people....basically we think you nasty.  

I bet that was not the expected answer. 

YOU CRASS if you:

  1. Adjust yourself in public and people see you and then you go and try to shake their hand.
  2. Pass gas/Fart in public and not excuse yourself.
  3. You burp and act like nothing happened.
  4. Change your clothing in the car in broad daylight
  5. Use the restroom and not wash your hands WITH SOAP! (Rinsing them with water alone and then using sanitizer is not cleaning your hands!)
  6. You know you have a breath problem but refuse to stop talking!
  7. You go to work or anywhere for that matter and refuse to wash and you know you stank!
  8. You eat other people's food out of the refrigerator at work!
  9. See someone waiting for a parking space and whip in front of them and take the space.
  10. Bring your kids to an adult movie and then refuse to take them out when they start crying. you fancy huh?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

What Mood are you Setting?

I was at a recent event. I was really excited about going, so of course I got my cute on.  Hair done , nails done, everything did, and YES I was Fancy! LOL...alright on with the point. 

We walk in through the doors and there was a great crowd, wonderful music, seating was ...well we were late so I will leave that alone, but anywho.. we got our seats. The room was dimly lit, a sultry voice started singing some nice jazz melodies...very appropriate...there was spoken word ( I was like oh my..this is going to set it off [good times tonight])....well it was set the left.  The piece performed was just too heavy for the atmosphere. ( I am looking at my love, with a confused and daunting look and he is returning the same look... you know the look) needless to say it took a moment to recoup. Thank God for an awesome band and DJ. They had to work a little harder to lighten up the mood and get minds back on "good times".  

NOTE: Remember when planning your event whether small or large, an intimate dinner or just a funky good time, ensure it flows. If you are going to have performances, ensure they are all complimentary to one another. Schedule a rehearsal or two to make sure everyone is on point with their performance. This will ensure that all your guests will have a great time.  You should have to kick people out, not have them leave in droves.  

So you fancy huh?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Everybody DANCE!!!!

That first dance, or even the dances with the parents can be pretty emotional.  Remember to have FUN!!! Be your unique self.

These two brides were definitely FANCY!!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

When is enough...enough?

Lil Kim ...yes all three of these are her...

Pricilla Caputo
 How far are you willing to go to be "pretty", "beautiful" or "Sexy". I know I enjoy a compliment here and there and when attending those special events I put forth the effort to look "Fierce" know the routine ladies, french manicure, french pedi, wax the eyebrows, gotta get the lashes installed... the body exfoliation and massage...oh...let's not forget to wax those legs...(whole 'nother subject). There's nothing wrong with looking your best, but at what cost? I have not had any plastic surgery done, although I have thought about, but as a perused the internet I googled images "before and after surgery" and was amazed at what appeared. The amount of celebrities that manifested was expected it was the actually before and after pics that amazed me. Some of these women were perfectly fine before the surgery, but yet they felt a need to change or improve what they perceived as a flaw, but my question is when is enough, enough? Don't let others define who you are or what you should look like. Surround yourself with a good support system that will encourage you to be the best you. Take a look for of these women look like totally different people.

 so you Fancy, Foolish or just sad? huh?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Million Dollar Event on a $2 Budget...Really?

You want a million dollar event (ok, maybe a million is stretching it, but you get what I am saying), but you only want to spend $2. You want the best venue, the hottest DJ, the renowned photographer, the Iron Chef and the top designer to provide you their services because you want to impress all the social elite to your event.


Smh. That dawg won't hunt unless you (1) have the Moses parting the red sea kind of faith or (2) a rich uncle or friend, etc. So if you have none of the above how do you plan on executing this event?'s just gone happen by osmosis? That's right, you told all your friends and they are sure to help out. Uh Huh.

Often times we become over zealous. Our ideas are sometime bigger then the means, but we over look that hoping and a wishing someone will do us a favor and money will rain from the heavens and when it doesn't happen that way, then comes the disappointment and blame.We get angry and upset at others because if they had supported you more (even though they tried to talk reason to you), been at your beckon call, given their all just as you then it would have been a success.

Let me help you. Start where you are at. TWO things that will guarantee a successful event, Create a Plan and Determine your Budget:

(1) Determine your Budget List all the vendors and supplies you will need to pull off the event of the year. Price them. Create your guest list. How many people do you have to provide food and/or beverages for? (Note: Remember the more people you invite the more you spend on food/beverage.) How much decor do you need? Does the venue you're using provide decor in the price package you have agreed on?

(2) Create a Plan Now that you know how much money it takes to have this event. What steps do you take? Have you given yourself enough time to advertise your event, whether it's a party, wedding, or formal gala, who did you tell? Did your invitations go out in a timely manner, allowing your potential guests enough time to make proper arrangements to come? Do you have investors lined up? If you don't have the finance where is it coming from?

Example: JayQuin has planned a social gala for 150 people. Her budget is $1500 and in her mind that is more then enough for what she wants to do, after all she can rack up at the dollar store and have plenty left over...Oh WOW...

The average venue is $1000
The food and beverage cost is at least $20 per person (and that's a basic chicken dinner)
Photographer $500
DJ $350
Transportation $500

Already she has blown her budget and we haven't talked about decor (which she was probably gone get from the dollar store)...smh...

So you fancy huh?

Saturday, September 18, 2010 was a HOAX...Really


As the story unfolded,Bethany Storro stated a black woman attacked her..(hhhmmm...I said to myself, "Self, black women are known for throwing hot grits, hot boiling sugar or heavy objects (like pots and pans) know household items not obviously used for causing bodily injuries... you know stuff around the house. Who has acid laying around the house?" Really? To read all the details of the hoax click here

It is obvious that she has some serious issues and I hope she gets the help she needs. So you fancy huh?....uh.. not in this case

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Who's Event is it?

Have you ever asked a close friend or family member to help you plan an event and they agreed?  Little did you know that they would just take over your idea.  You share your vision and much to your dismay they don't even pay you any attention, (after all you asked for their assistance).  WRONG! Nip it in the bud at the start.  Let them know that although you appreciate their input, but if the input doesn't line up with the vision of your event, then it will not be utilized.   Often times people don't have a vision of their event so they seek the opinions of momma, auntie, or their bestie and end up lost. Get the right kind of help. There are free complimentary consultations available, as well as a vast of articles on the internet..  I've listed a few of my favorite resources.  Remember Who's Event is it anyway?  Take control and plan the successful event you envisioned.

A great event is one well planned. So you fancy huh?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Good manners will take you a long way.  We have all heard it before, treat others the way you want to be treated. How often do you actually consider how you treat someone before you act it out? When you treat others disrespectfully just know somewhere down the line you will be treated disrespectfully. (This is your warning, so don't act brand new when it happens.)  A very wise man told me this and it holds true..."Hurt people, hurt people".

When planning special events, like your wedding it is suppose to be a joyous and stress free experience. Most of the time the stress that brides experience are due to (1) self induced situations (2) your demands are unrealistic (3) you paid for sub-par services (4) financial (5) emotional baggage just to name a few.

Contact A. Taylor Events and start planning your event stress free!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What does your underwear say about you? Fancy or Foolishness?

La-dees, La-dees…..Laaaa-Dees….how ya’ll doing out there?  I want to discuss UNDERWEAR.  What does your underwear say about you. Let’s take a quick etiquette quiz:

  1. When wearing knit shorts what type of underwear would you choose
    1. Cotton briefs
    2. Thong
    3. None
    4. Undie-Tectable Spanxs
    5. Boy Shorts
  2. When is it ever ok to wear daisy dukes as panties
    1. Never
    2. Rarely
    3. Occasionally
    4. That’s all I wear
  3. When is it ever ok to wear panties as shorts
    1. Never
    2. Rarely
    3. Occasionally
    4. That’s all I wear
  4. Whenever I wear white pants/shorts I should wear
    1. Black colored underwear
    2. Thongs
    3. Neutral colored underwear
    4. None
    5. White colored underwear
  5. Your dress is formal and the material is Satin, which shows flaws, which should you wear
    1. Cotton briefs
    2. Thong
    3. None
    4. Hide and Sleek Spanxs Smoother

Let’s go over the answers
·        When wearing knits choose underwear that is undectable, such as a panty smoother.  There are so many brands other then spanxs that carry great panty smoothers. (We talked about this in a previous blog, but if your booty and thighs have cellulite, you don’t want to go without a smoother.) Thin material tends to show more flaws so SPANX it up (d) was the correct answer. If you selected (a) you are on the right track but take a look in the mirror the next time and see which looks better the cotton or a smoother.

·         2&3.  I t is NEVER ok to wear daisy dukes as underwear and underwear as shorts! I have seen this and if you look below you will see it too. If you picked anything other than (a)… (deep sigh) you are foolish. (This is another blog subject)

·        When wearing a white or very light colored clothing it is good practice to wear neutral colored underwear such as neutral tone or beige.  This doesn’t bleed through the clothing.  It gives you a polished look as well. Most people probably choose black, which is incorrect because black bleeds through the clothing and it makes the light color look dingy or not as bright. The correct answer was (  c).

·         Some formal material is not as forgiving as others and satin does not forgive flaws.  It is imperative that you wear a smoother to ensure you have a nice polished look.  I saw some wedding photos of brides maids and the first photo the brides maids were looking straight ahead and I thought “those are some nice dresses” UNTIL I saw the next photo of them at an angle and some of the ladies were not spanxed up and you could really tell.  I could practically count the dimples…smh…not good.  Pictures don’t lie and neither am I.  It bares repeating, Spanx it up. The correct answer is (d).

So you fancy, huh?