Sunday, September 19, 2010

Million Dollar Event on a $2 Budget...Really?

You want a million dollar event (ok, maybe a million is stretching it, but you get what I am saying), but you only want to spend $2. You want the best venue, the hottest DJ, the renowned photographer, the Iron Chef and the top designer to provide you their services because you want to impress all the social elite to your event.


Smh. That dawg won't hunt unless you (1) have the Moses parting the red sea kind of faith or (2) a rich uncle or friend, etc. So if you have none of the above how do you plan on executing this event?'s just gone happen by osmosis? That's right, you told all your friends and they are sure to help out. Uh Huh.

Often times we become over zealous. Our ideas are sometime bigger then the means, but we over look that hoping and a wishing someone will do us a favor and money will rain from the heavens and when it doesn't happen that way, then comes the disappointment and blame.We get angry and upset at others because if they had supported you more (even though they tried to talk reason to you), been at your beckon call, given their all just as you then it would have been a success.

Let me help you. Start where you are at. TWO things that will guarantee a successful event, Create a Plan and Determine your Budget:

(1) Determine your Budget List all the vendors and supplies you will need to pull off the event of the year. Price them. Create your guest list. How many people do you have to provide food and/or beverages for? (Note: Remember the more people you invite the more you spend on food/beverage.) How much decor do you need? Does the venue you're using provide decor in the price package you have agreed on?

(2) Create a Plan Now that you know how much money it takes to have this event. What steps do you take? Have you given yourself enough time to advertise your event, whether it's a party, wedding, or formal gala, who did you tell? Did your invitations go out in a timely manner, allowing your potential guests enough time to make proper arrangements to come? Do you have investors lined up? If you don't have the finance where is it coming from?

Example: JayQuin has planned a social gala for 150 people. Her budget is $1500 and in her mind that is more then enough for what she wants to do, after all she can rack up at the dollar store and have plenty left over...Oh WOW...

The average venue is $1000
The food and beverage cost is at least $20 per person (and that's a basic chicken dinner)
Photographer $500
DJ $350
Transportation $500

Already she has blown her budget and we haven't talked about decor (which she was probably gone get from the dollar store)...smh...

So you fancy huh?

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