Thursday, November 18, 2010

He Still Loves Me

My husband and I just celebrated 21 years of marriage.  I am truly honored and humbled that he loves me more now, then ever (his words not mine).  I  just wanted to take this time out to let him know how much I love and appreciate him.  He is truly my dearest friend.  He is the foundation of my support system.  When I didn't want to be strong he encouraged me to find the strength to endure. He helps me challenge my challenges. 

I remember our first few years of marriage we would have little spats and one day we both decided that we didn't get married to fuss and debate all the time but yet to enjoy life and each other.  We also decided that divorce wasn't a choice.  We wanted our marriage to work and guess what, it is.  I just want to say to him I love him and appreciate his love for me more then he will ever know. Lovell you truly have my heart and  have caused me to fall in love with you all over again.    You are truly a strong, gentle and loving man, full of charm and charisma.

1.  Keep God in your life and he will definitely help guide you in your marriage.
2.  Keep negative/noisy folk out of your marriage.  If your friends are talking about their spouse negatively don't join in...better yet stop talking with them.  (Your spouse is a reflection of you.  You married them)
3.  Find a couple to who are successful in their marriage and talk with them. See what they did to make it last.
4.  Hurt people hurt people.  Communication is good but playing the blame game will not get your far.  Take responsibility for your actions.
5. Listen
6. Spend quality time together. Weekend getaways once a month are a must!
7. Be selfless rather than selfish.
8. Forgive and forget.  Practice forgiveness and don't bring it up again.  This works. 
9. Express your love through action and words. 

When was the last time you told your spouse you loved them? 

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