Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Cry for Help?

I wonder why people claim they want change but when it comes they complain about it!

Weight Loss - you complain that you want to loose weight but then when good suggestions come your way like
  • Hire a trainer   EXCUSE:  Girl I ain't got no money for that, times is hard
  • Join a gym       EXCUSE:  I just said I don't have extra money for that
  • Walk or Job    EXCUSE:  Girl it's too cold outside; I have bad knees
  • Diet/Change your eating habits     EXCUSE: Girl I don't diet, it doesn't work
A Companion - you complain you need a mate and then when you get that mate you complain
  • They work too much (They need to get a real job)
  • They don't do chores, cook or clean (I can't do nothing, they always cleaning)
  • They don't talk to me or listen (they talk too much)
  • They don't send me flowers (Every time I turn around they giving me something)
  • They don't spend enough time with me (Every time I turn around they in my face)
A Promotion - you complain you should have gotten the promotion and then when you do get it
  • They don 't pay me enough to do all of this
  • I have so much to do and not enough help

When you get your desire, whatever it may be, appreciate the gift and don't complain about it. Enjoy life!!!

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