Friday, October 22, 2010

So Your Advice Works for Everyone BUT You?!

I was talking with some associates about various subjects.  Everyone began to voice their opinion about talk shows and I made the point that I don't particular pay much attention to people who try to advise me on subjects they have not really experienced.  How are you going to give me advise on a successful marriage when you have never been married, have no intentions on getting married, and don't really believe in the concept of marriage? That's just like a bum telling me how to make millions and invest smartly....Really?!   Several people agreed and then made mention that one talk host in particular loves to give advice on successful marriages and points out what each partner is doing incorrectly, but yet this person is your advice works for everyone but you?

In today's society there seems to be a lot of people who are giving great advise but are not adhering to their own words.   We all have read or even seen media stories about people in very influential positions saying one thing and then it comes out that they are doing the unthinkable.  INTEGRITY people!!! It's a characteristic that we all should develop. 

I know my parents would tell me your word is bond!  Mean what you say and say what you mean.  ACCOUNTABILITY!  Who are we being accountable to?  Do you value the words that you speak?  Do you live by the advice you give others?  Selah....

1 comment:

  1. Oh, say so A. Taylor, you know this is nothin' but the truth. I's a characteristic we should all develop. This is really good stuff girl, and I'm not saying that just cause I love you.
