Monday, October 4, 2010

No more DRAMA!!

That is a declaration we should all make. Life is meant to be lived joyfully and stress free. The word "Stressed" was not even prevalent until the late nineties. That doesn't mean people were not having challenges it just means that our society has become engrossed with labeling every thing. Sometimes the best remedy is laughter. When is the last time you had a good laugh? Are you one that can see the silver lining in the mist of a storm or do you just see the dark clouds that hoover over? Do you eat problems like candy or do you allow them to consume you? Are you consumed with 90% negativity and 10% misery? I asked a guy at work was he having a good day and he had the best response, "That's all I ever have. I never have a bad day". GREAT declaration!

NOTE: God makes the day and he gives you the ability to choose how to use it, good, bad or indifferent. Choose to have good days.

QUESTION: Is it easier to say no because you are too lazy to say yes and put some work into change? Is it better to complain then resolve the challenge? Is it second nature for you to tear someone down then to say thank you and encourage them?

The people you hang around are a reflection of you



  1. This is great insight and I wish more people would think about what you have said here.

  2. Excellent, A Taylor, simply excellent!
