Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Do you Splurge or Overspend?

  1. to indulge oneself in some luxury or pleasure, esp. a costly one: They splurged on a trip to Europe. 
  2. to show off. 
  3. to spend (money) lavishly or ostentatiously: He splurged thousands on the party. 
  4. an ostentatious display, esp. an extravagantly expensive one.
Overspend –verb (used without object)
  1. to spend more than one can afford: Receiving a small inheritance, she began to overspend alarmingly
  2. to spend in excess of: He was overspending his yearly salary by several thousand dollars 
  3. to spend beyond one's means (used reflexively): When the bills arrived, he realized he had foolishly overspent himself. 
  4. to wear out; exhaust.
Ask yourself do you often times "splurge" at the expense of "overspending"?  Here's a little quiz:

Have you robbed Peter to:
  1. Pay Paul
  2. Buy some shoes
  3. Buy a purse
  4. Go on a trip
  5. Buy an outfit
If you answered yes to any of these I am asking you to STOP ROBBING PETER!!!! Peter is BROKE. Peter is trying to save his money so he can do somethings he want instead of financially supporting you. LOL

All jokes aside if you are living this lifestyle, you are not living.  Get a financial grip so that you can enjoy life!

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