Monday, November 15, 2010

Needless Pain

Yesterday I was listening to an old gospel hymn and the line that struck me was "oh what needless pain we bare"..all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer. Think about it.  What decisions have you made that caused you unnecessary pain or better said, "self inflicted" discomfort.

Major decisions should not be made in a rush or under pressure.  Your decisions should not be based on emotions. You should practice praying and waiting. Get good counsel from mature people. (Not necessarily old in age, but mature wise people)  People that will give you sound judgment. Everything that comes to your mind is not a good idea and may even cause you discomfort because you didn't seek counsel or just think it through.

Don't be one of those individuals that ask for advice and then turn around and do just the opposite.  SMH...

What have you carried to God in prayer?  When was the last time you prayed?  Think about it. If you believe prayer works, guess what it does.  If you think prayer doesn't work, then guess what God overlooks what you think just to prove to you that it does.  Try it.


  1. This is a really good one and it makes perfect since to me.

  2. That is so true as I know I've carried needless pain in my life. Still learning and growing as I go along but, trusting God more this time around.
