Thursday, October 28, 2010


I know I have a challenge in this area and I am trying to change that behavior. Yes I exhibit aggressive behavior when I drive. I shake my fist at 18 wheeler trucks that cut in front of me, and one time this guy called me a name because I wouldn't let him cut in front of me and I actually yelled back, "Yo Mama!"....not good ...not good.

I thought that if I asked my husband to drive I would be fine...well...let's just say even as a passenger you can still be just as aggressive if not more....BUT the good thing about my husband driving is, as long as I was distracted I hardly noticed the the morons, I mean other drivers.

Well today I was driving home and my husband and daughter were in the car with me and this neon was trying to pass me because the road was merging into one lane...well before I realized what the driver was doing it was too late for me to speed up and stop them (which is what I normally would do, because I feel my time is just as important as theirs and they should have left earlier..anywho) so as I regretfully let them get in front of me a thought came to mind and I actually spoke it aloud...I said, "I wish someone would make a machine that I can attach to my vehicle and whenever someone cuts me off and/or gets in front of me I could press a button and these long arms would come from the side of the vehicle and pluck the car from in front of me and place them in the back where they were to begin with" husband replied..."what a shame"....smh....I guess I still need some help....

Check to see if you are an aggressive driver.  Take this quick test and tell me what your results are.  Surprisingly I was a Safe AGGRESSIVE driver with a 50% chance of being a Road Rager.....

Take Test


  1. OK, again I can soooooo relate to this. Not that I am an aggressive driver, but I'm driven around by one daily. It is so funny to me. I'm sorry why bother. As I say to the person that I am with daily, it ain't gonna change nothin' and it's making you (the one w/ the issue) upset for a stupid reason. Somebody cut you what get over it. Come on did you really not see their signal(indicator). So they got in front of you, ok you will still get to where you need to be. I could go on and on... but I'm gonna stop here. Yall know.

  2. But it's the principal. I've tried being calm and sometimes it just doesn't work!

  3. I took the test. I am a potential road-rager with 52.5%.But I'm safe and courteous!!

  4. I am a road rage queen!! How about when you are in a store and you are the one always saying excuse me! Why can't someone else get out of MY way once in a while??
