Thursday, May 31, 2012

FYI: Unity Candle Ceremony

The Unity Candle Ceremony is common in the United States.  It is a ceremony that symbolizes unity between the Bride and Groom as well as the two families merging into one.  Ususally the mothers of the bride and groom light a tapered candle and after the bride and groom exchange vows (sometimes before the annoucement of husband and wife and sometimes afterwards) they each take a tapered candle and light the pillar candle,usually located in the middle. The couple then blow out the tapered candles, to indicate that the two lives have been permanently merged, or they may leave them lit beside the central candle, symbolizing that the now-married partners have not lost their individuality.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

FACEBOOK...the NEW Soap Opera!

I am sure most of us use Facebook as a fun social know to share pictures, keep in touch with family and friends and such...but did you know there are SOAP OPERAs on FACEBOOK. Yeah my husband and I have been following know the person that shares everything on Facebook as if it was a diary....their statuses are full fledged arguments...on Monday they are breaking up by Tuesday afternoon they love each much drama...sometimes you feel compelled to jump in with"when did y'all make up?" or  "Are y'all really having this conversation on FACEBOOK!!!"  (long sigh)  This is getting out of hand...just the other day after a hard days work, I found myself asking my husband what's going on with Facebook Saga?....not a good sign...soooo here are some FACEBOOK TIPS...

1.  IF for some reason your conversation turns serious or personal or someone pops off you do know you can hid the conversation...Yes....just click on the edit box and then select hide....just that simple!



Monday, May 28, 2012

I am NOT trying to choose your look, however....

We all have tried different styles, fashions, hairstyles, etc.  and there have been times when you really like the style but your close friends and/or partner/spouse don't but you get ungodly amounts of compliments....but what about the times when you don't particularly care about the style and everyone tells you.."That's your look!"..."You should wear your hair like that all the time"...that's your should wear more of that"..
This has happened a time or two to me.  This is how I deal with it:  IF I really like it then I really am not concerned about what others think.  IF I am trying something brand spanking new and ?I am unsure myself..then I consider other's opinions, but in the end it is ulitimately my decision. Here are some helpful tips in making an informed decision:

1.  Know your body type:
2.  Know what colors look good on you
3.  Take unbiased friends (those that will tell you the truth) shopping. Let them help you select pieces that work for you and not against you.

Classic Fashion Fail!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

TOP 10 Summer DON'TS

 1.  Man or Woman DON'T wear socks with flipflops or sandals!


 2. Wear the correct size blouse/shirt to ensure it covers your tire..I mean belly.

3.  Wear the correct size shorts so that it covers your BUTT!

 4.  Panty lines are NOT eye candy.


5.  If your toes are longer then the shoe...DONT wear that shoe. 

6.  STOP TGFS....(Toe Grip Floor Syndrone)...


7, 8, 9 and 10...are repeats of 1 2 3 and 4!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

The 10 Commandments of

As an Event Planner, I often go shopping with my clients.  No matter what the occassion whenever you are shopping for an outfit remember these tips (I have taken the liberty to underline the ones you should NOT forget:

1.  Know what you like and dislike.  2.  Dress for yourself. If you like it and it looks good on you...go for it. 3.  Dress to suit your age. 4.  Dress to suit your shape 5.  Look appropritate for wherever you are going.  (You don't want to show up at a job interview in your club clothes.)  6.  Wear your clothes with confidence.  7.  Be wise with your money.  8. Embrace your individual style.  9.  Don't be in bondage to the latest trends10.  Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.  Take some fashion risks.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Blame Game

We all have played this game sometime or another.  It always stems around something not going as planned.  If you don't wake up in time somehow or another it's your partners fault...why didn't YOU wake ME up?  If you are late for an appointment....why didn't we leave earlier?  I was waiting on YOU! Does any of that sound familiar?  If so, now is a great time to take evaluation.  Stop playing the Blame game and try being accountable.  Try waking your own-self up..or leaving earlier to get to that appointment on time.  Stop rushing.  Plan accordingly.  

Try something new today to get a better result!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Paid on the First but Played on the Last?

"Every month I get paid on the first, played on the last, and struggle all through the middle. M-O-N-E-Y never seem to multiply for me" - Lyrics from Eric Benet's song, Paid (featuring Eddie Levert)
This song has an old school Temptations feel to it. The melody has a familiar but comforting feel and it's quite easy to get caught up and start singing this catchy phrase. I like to listen to the lyrics before I start repeating them so after hearing this line I thought to myself, how many people feel this way?  What ideas can I come up with to encourage friends and family that may feel like they can't get out of that hole.  Then I thought to myself...old school song, warrants old school remedy...RENT PARTY!!!!

Somebody needs to bring it why not me...why not you....why not us! 

Basically you host a party at your house, apartment club house, charge a nominal fee at the door (have enough people + door charge = RENT MONEY!) Now rent money can be substituted for electric bill money, water bill money, food money, tuition money, church money...what ever your need is this could be the simple solution.  As the host all you are providing is a GOOD time, some GOOD Music, and light hor de vours....chips dips....beverages...etc.  

Let me know how this works for ya!

Contact A. Taylor Events, RENT PARTIES

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

USEFUL INFORMATION: Bridal Shower, Wedding Shower or Bachelorette?

What's the difference between a bridal shower, wedding shower, and bachelorette?

I have been to one too many "bridal showers" that were really a combo pack, part bridal shower and mostly "bachelorette parties at midday"  Times have changed and yes some people are trying to put a modern twist on some old traditions, however there's always basic fundamentals that must be followed.  Let's cover some of them.
A bridal shower is a party given one or two months prior to the wedding. The invitees are typically the brides female friends and family (that are invited to the wedding. It's tacky to invite a person to the shower and not to the wedding.  How would you feel if someone done it to you? Selah ) to an afternoon party. You play games, eat , watch the bride open her gifts and have fun.  This is the party that her mother and grandmother feel comfortable attending.
Wedding showers  is sometimes used interchangeably with bridal shower, but there's the growing trend of co-ed showers that have cause wedding planner to generally define bridal showers for women only and wedding showers (sometimes referred to as a Jack/Jill Shower) for the co-ed showers. 

A bachelorette party is traditionally an evening affair that typically takes place a week or at least the day before the wedding. The brides friends and family get together for fun and other debauchery. Normally you don't invite your Grandma or Mom, although I've seen both attend. It's always geared and themed around sex. Despite its reputation as "a sodden farewell to bachelor days" or "an evening of debauchery," a bachelorette's party is simply a party, given in honor of the bride, in the style that is common to that social circle.

A successful event is a planned event.  A. Taylor made event, especially for you!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Are you a Good Leader?

With few exceptions, the man who can not follow a leader intelligently, cannot become an efficient leader. The man who can follow a leader most efficiently, is usually the man who develops into leadership most rapidly. An intelligent follower has many advantages, among them the opportunity to acquire knowledge from his leader. - Napoleon Hill

This quote says a lot and should cause you to assess your abilities, ideas, character, etc.  Do you even consider yourself a leader? (Well leaders are not necessarily management positions. Are you the head of your household?  Does your family look to you for the majority of their answers?  How about your friends? Are you the go to person in your circle of friends?  Leadership Roles come in various forms.  Here are some characteristics of a great leader:

  • Confidence- No one will follow you if you lack confidence and if they do they won't for very long.
  • Self-control- If you can't control yourself how you gone control (give guidance to others?)
  • Integrity- No leader can command and retain the respect of their followers without integrity.
  • Decision Maker - An indecisive leader shows that they are unsure of themselves and will not be able to lead others successfully.
  • Have a Plan- A leader without a plan is like a ship without a rudder.
  • Great Example- A leader will not ask their followers to do something they are not willing to do.  A leader sets the example and order how things should be.
  • Personality- Display of caring, respect and positive attitude. Sympathy for people and what they are challenged with. Self centered people will not make good leaders for they will always put themselves ahead of everyone else.
  • Detail Oriented
  • Responsible - Takes full responsibility for the shortcomings and mistakes of their followers.  Does not throw them under the bus. 
  • Cooperation-  Promotes the cooperation of everyone for a successful outcome.
Leadership by force may get accomplishments but not true followers for they will fear you, complain and eventually leave.  Leadership by consent and sympathy is more effective for there is a sense of genuine care and respect. No matter what type of leadership role you have be the best! Be Effective!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Stop Hoarding and Organize!

I am sure many of you are convinced that you are not a hoarder, but I am sure that if you were away from your home and/or office and you had to tell someone to get something for you, they probably could not find it. that doesn't mean you are a hoarder but it does indicate that you may need help organizing. Get in gear, Spring is right around the corner and there are services available to you if you are not a good organizer, or you may be a good organizer you just don't have the time.

blog: www.
Featured Business: Style by Constantine

Style by Constantine is owned by Michelle Forrester.  I have worked with Michelle for  many years and she has proven to be a valuable source of information, talent and friendship.  She has a blog that is full of wonderful tips. Take a gander.

This company organizes Home Offices, Closets and various other spaces.  It has been said that your home reflects you life.  If your home is clutter it's very possible that your life is too.  Declutter NOW don't wait until spring.  Contact Style by Constantine NOW.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Are You Ready?

Spring is just around the corner and so are a lot of spring weddings.  This week I will feature different businesses that will be helpful to you going forward in 2012. 

Featured Business: Red Shoe Gardening

I have had the pleasure of working with Alexandria Flynn, owner of Red Shoe Gardening.  Her company designs, installs and maintains anything garden related.

As an event planner I like to use various vendors and I thought I would share.  Some clients like to feel as though they are investing and not wasting their money when planning an event.  By using plants, annuals and or perennials for an event can be quite rewarding.  With a little creativity and maintenance well after your event is over you will still have a beautiful garden. whether it's in a container or planted in ground.

If you fit in one of these categories you may need to call Red Shoe Gardening:

Commercial : Need a little curb appeal for your store front or office building
Residential:  For those of us that just don't have the green thumb but love the visual that flowers and a nice put together garden brings
Weddings and outdoor events can really benefit from her service.  You will be investing in products that will last longer then cut flowers.

One of the great perks of doing business with the Red Shoe Gardening team is, they will come to you!  Visit her website or give her a call and set up your spring consultations now!
   t: 843-425-1907

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

FOOD for THOUGHT: Talent vs Purpose

Is what you doing based on talent or purpose? These two words have some similar characteristics but they are quite different.  Talent is a special natural ability or aptitude. Purpose is the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc. What were you made to do?  Are you doing it?

Your talent(s) can lead you to your purpose for talent just like purpose has a capacity for achievement or success or ability, but your talents are not always your purpose.  Your purpose will leave little hints. Purpose is driven determination, resoluteness of a desired goal. Find your purpose and you will live your destiny


Monday, January 9, 2012

To RSVP or Not to RSVP, that is the Question

Are you guilty of not RSVPing...(I know... the ing....) (chuckling to myself). Well you don't realize the importance until you are planning your event and realize the cost depends on how many people are coming.  You don't want to over spend and God forbids if too many people show up and you run out of food and beverage. OMG (We all have gone to a social at least once where the event runs out of food before you even get a chance to a a first nibble OR they are so skimpy on the servings you ask yourself why did they even bother having this event?   LOL) Been there and done that, hence the importance of responding to an invitation. 

The French phrase "répondez s'il vous plaît" (RSVP) means "please reply" in English.  It is used when someone wants to know by a specific date, whether you intend to come or not.  Use your manners and reply.  Call, email or the preferred method, hand write your response.  For most formal/semi-formal socials you normally receive an invitation with a response card included. Be kind and fill it out and send it back before the date indicated.  More informal socials such as parties and such you can normally get by with a phone call, text or email.

Think of it this way, if it was your money wouldn't you expect a response?  In this time of economic concern be considerate and always respond whether you will be in attendance or not.  Always respond.