Tuesday, May 29, 2012

FACEBOOK...the NEW Soap Opera!

I am sure most of us use Facebook as a fun social tool...you know to share pictures, keep in touch with family and friends and such...but did you know there are SOAP OPERAs on FACEBOOK. Yeah my husband and I have been following one....you know the person that shares everything on Facebook as if it was a diary....their statuses are full fledged arguments...on Monday they are breaking up by Tuesday afternoon they love each other...so much drama...sometimes you feel compelled to jump in with questions...like..."when did y'all make up?" or  "Are y'all really having this conversation on FACEBOOK!!!"  (long sigh)  This is getting out of hand...just the other day after a hard days work, I found myself asking my husband what's going on with Facebook Saga?....not a good sign...soooo here are some FACEBOOK TIPS...

1.  IF for some reason your conversation turns serious or personal or someone pops off you do know you can hid the conversation...Yes....just click on the edit box and then select hide....just that simple!



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