Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Are you a Good Leader?

With few exceptions, the man who can not follow a leader intelligently, cannot become an efficient leader. The man who can follow a leader most efficiently, is usually the man who develops into leadership most rapidly. An intelligent follower has many advantages, among them the opportunity to acquire knowledge from his leader. - Napoleon Hill

This quote says a lot and should cause you to assess your abilities, ideas, character, etc.  Do you even consider yourself a leader? (Well leaders are not necessarily management positions. Are you the head of your household?  Does your family look to you for the majority of their answers?  How about your friends? Are you the go to person in your circle of friends?  Leadership Roles come in various forms.  Here are some characteristics of a great leader:

  • Confidence- No one will follow you if you lack confidence and if they do they won't for very long.
  • Self-control- If you can't control yourself how you gone control (give guidance to others?)
  • Integrity- No leader can command and retain the respect of their followers without integrity.
  • Decision Maker - An indecisive leader shows that they are unsure of themselves and will not be able to lead others successfully.
  • Have a Plan- A leader without a plan is like a ship without a rudder.
  • Great Example- A leader will not ask their followers to do something they are not willing to do.  A leader sets the example and order how things should be.
  • Personality- Display of caring, respect and positive attitude. Sympathy for people and what they are challenged with. Self centered people will not make good leaders for they will always put themselves ahead of everyone else.
  • Detail Oriented
  • Responsible - Takes full responsibility for the shortcomings and mistakes of their followers.  Does not throw them under the bus. 
  • Cooperation-  Promotes the cooperation of everyone for a successful outcome.
Leadership by force may get accomplishments but not true followers for they will fear you, complain and eventually leave.  Leadership by consent and sympathy is more effective for there is a sense of genuine care and respect. No matter what type of leadership role you have be the best! Be Effective!


  1. Knowing God and following him he, is who make you a good leader.

  2. I hope I'm a good leader, because I try everything to achieve company's goals. I search to implement new and interesting things, come up with ideas and so on. In my opinion, the most important skill is to communicate with other persons, because without it you can't do anything.
