Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Do you Splurge or Overspend?

  1. to indulge oneself in some luxury or pleasure, esp. a costly one: They splurged on a trip to Europe. 
  2. to show off. 
  3. to spend (money) lavishly or ostentatiously: He splurged thousands on the party. 
  4. an ostentatious display, esp. an extravagantly expensive one.
Overspend –verb (used without object)
  1. to spend more than one can afford: Receiving a small inheritance, she began to overspend alarmingly
  2. to spend in excess of: He was overspending his yearly salary by several thousand dollars 
  3. to spend beyond one's means (used reflexively): When the bills arrived, he realized he had foolishly overspent himself. 
  4. to wear out; exhaust.
Ask yourself do you often times "splurge" at the expense of "overspending"?  Here's a little quiz:

Have you robbed Peter to:
  1. Pay Paul
  2. Buy some shoes
  3. Buy a purse
  4. Go on a trip
  5. Buy an outfit
If you answered yes to any of these I am asking you to STOP ROBBING PETER!!!! Peter is BROKE. Peter is trying to save his money so he can do somethings he want instead of financially supporting you. LOL

All jokes aside if you are living this lifestyle, you are not living.  Get a financial grip so that you can enjoy life!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Power of Sweet Potato Pie

Well yesterday morning when my family and I left for work/school, there was a full uneaten sweet potato pie on the kitchen table.  All the chairs were pushed up to the table.

Our cute soon to be one year old dog, Luke was left home alone.  He normally is really good. No trouble at all.

When we returned this is what the pie looked liked...


1.  Hide the pie
2.  Install hidden cameras
3.  Instead of covering pie with aluminum foil use Teflon

Friday, November 19, 2010

To tell or not to tell?

Why Why Why do parents LIE to their children?!  SMH   Every year many, many, many, an uncountless number of parents fall into the trap...SANTA .... Really? (Slight roll of the eyes and suck the teeth....child please)

I remember as a child growing up with my parents telling me this lie.  When I realized there was no SANTA..I thought to myself...all this time they've been telling me not to lie and to always tell the truth but yet they have been lying to me all this time.  I remember being so mad about that.    I made a decision at that time that I would not lie to my children and I didn't. 

We told them the truth, and guess what they still were surprised at the gifts they received.  I remember being in the grocery store with my children and the store clerk asked them what was SANTA bringing them for Christmas  and they replied "Nothing, because he is not real,"..she got angry at me and asked me why did I tell them, and I told her I choose not to lie to my kids, now what you do and say to yours is your business.  She look perplexed but could genuinely understand my point.

Tell the Truth this year parents..STOP Lying to the kids...Don't make me tell them...(LOL)

Thursday, November 18, 2010


The last couple of weeks one of the hot topics has been about kids being bullied.  My husband and I were discussing it this morning.  Why is this such a big topic now when it's being going on for years.  I remember being in the third grade and this 5th grade boy tried to bully me out of my seat.  He threatened to "beat me up", but because my father had instilled pride and self worth in me at an early age I stood up this boy.  Yes we ended up fighting and yes we ended up in the principle office...yes my parents were called...but the end result is I never had any more issues with him or anyone else trying to bully me. 

As we continued to discuss this I thought within my self, one thing that fuels a bully is fear.  Fear itself can bully you.  Keep you from accomplishing a successful and happy life.  What fear is bullying you? Fear of failure? Fear of Rejection?  Fear of the Unknown?  I could go on and on with a list of  fears, but my friend I want to encourage you to stand up against those fears.  Write down your vision. Each day take a step toward accomplishing goals to help manifest what you have envisioned. 

The enemies of FEAR are Faith and Action.  Act on what you believe and believe that when you act it will be successful.  Just TRY!

He Still Loves Me

My husband and I just celebrated 21 years of marriage.  I am truly honored and humbled that he loves me more now, then ever (his words not mine).  I  just wanted to take this time out to let him know how much I love and appreciate him.  He is truly my dearest friend.  He is the foundation of my support system.  When I didn't want to be strong he encouraged me to find the strength to endure. He helps me challenge my challenges. 

I remember our first few years of marriage we would have little spats and one day we both decided that we didn't get married to fuss and debate all the time but yet to enjoy life and each other.  We also decided that divorce wasn't a choice.  We wanted our marriage to work and guess what, it is.  I just want to say to him I love him and appreciate his love for me more then he will ever know. Lovell you truly have my heart and  have caused me to fall in love with you all over again.    You are truly a strong, gentle and loving man, full of charm and charisma.

1.  Keep God in your life and he will definitely help guide you in your marriage.
2.  Keep negative/noisy folk out of your marriage.  If your friends are talking about their spouse negatively don't join in...better yet stop talking with them.  (Your spouse is a reflection of you.  You married them)
3.  Find a couple to who are successful in their marriage and talk with them. See what they did to make it last.
4.  Hurt people hurt people.  Communication is good but playing the blame game will not get your far.  Take responsibility for your actions.
5. Listen
6. Spend quality time together. Weekend getaways once a month are a must!
7. Be selfless rather than selfish.
8. Forgive and forget.  Practice forgiveness and don't bring it up again.  This works. 
9. Express your love through action and words. 

When was the last time you told your spouse you loved them? 

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Racist or just Angry Woman Venting?

If you constantly think about something eventually you will talk about it.  In today's society it amazes me how people will claim to be one way but their actions clearly speak the truth. 

 Then if that wasn't enough.....he got FIRED!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Needless Pain

Yesterday I was listening to an old gospel hymn and the line that struck me was "oh what needless pain we bare"..all because we do not carry everything to God in prayer. Think about it.  What decisions have you made that caused you unnecessary pain or better said, "self inflicted" discomfort.

Major decisions should not be made in a rush or under pressure.  Your decisions should not be based on emotions. You should practice praying and waiting. Get good counsel from mature people. (Not necessarily old in age, but mature wise people)  People that will give you sound judgment. Everything that comes to your mind is not a good idea and may even cause you discomfort because you didn't seek counsel or just think it through.

Don't be one of those individuals that ask for advice and then turn around and do just the opposite.  SMH...

What have you carried to God in prayer?  When was the last time you prayed?  Think about it. If you believe prayer works, guess what it does.  If you think prayer doesn't work, then guess what God overlooks what you think just to prove to you that it does.  Try it.