Thursday, October 28, 2010


I know I have a challenge in this area and I am trying to change that behavior. Yes I exhibit aggressive behavior when I drive. I shake my fist at 18 wheeler trucks that cut in front of me, and one time this guy called me a name because I wouldn't let him cut in front of me and I actually yelled back, "Yo Mama!"....not good ...not good.

I thought that if I asked my husband to drive I would be fine...well...let's just say even as a passenger you can still be just as aggressive if not more....BUT the good thing about my husband driving is, as long as I was distracted I hardly noticed the the morons, I mean other drivers.

Well today I was driving home and my husband and daughter were in the car with me and this neon was trying to pass me because the road was merging into one lane...well before I realized what the driver was doing it was too late for me to speed up and stop them (which is what I normally would do, because I feel my time is just as important as theirs and they should have left earlier..anywho) so as I regretfully let them get in front of me a thought came to mind and I actually spoke it aloud...I said, "I wish someone would make a machine that I can attach to my vehicle and whenever someone cuts me off and/or gets in front of me I could press a button and these long arms would come from the side of the vehicle and pluck the car from in front of me and place them in the back where they were to begin with" husband replied..."what a shame"....smh....I guess I still need some help....

Check to see if you are an aggressive driver.  Take this quick test and tell me what your results are.  Surprisingly I was a Safe AGGRESSIVE driver with a 50% chance of being a Road Rager.....

Take Test

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Stop it!! You are Too B-I-G for that!!!!

Have you ever seen someone do or even wear something and you think to yourself, "They are too big to be doing that!"  Please take note:  All fashion trends are NOT for all ages. There must come a time in your life when you realize... you are just too old/mature to wear that fashion trend.  You can not be in your thirties dressing like you on son!

Granny Really?! You should have given up the mini a long time know they are banning mini's...
Com on son!

SMH...I have nothing to say...
No one is wearing this fashion trend but him..oh yeah and Austin Powell.

You really are tooooo BIG for this
If you are not sure what is age appropriate fashion check out my girl Style by Constantine

Friday, October 22, 2010

So Your Advice Works for Everyone BUT You?!

I was talking with some associates about various subjects.  Everyone began to voice their opinion about talk shows and I made the point that I don't particular pay much attention to people who try to advise me on subjects they have not really experienced.  How are you going to give me advise on a successful marriage when you have never been married, have no intentions on getting married, and don't really believe in the concept of marriage? That's just like a bum telling me how to make millions and invest smartly....Really?!   Several people agreed and then made mention that one talk host in particular loves to give advice on successful marriages and points out what each partner is doing incorrectly, but yet this person is your advice works for everyone but you?

In today's society there seems to be a lot of people who are giving great advise but are not adhering to their own words.   We all have read or even seen media stories about people in very influential positions saying one thing and then it comes out that they are doing the unthinkable.  INTEGRITY people!!! It's a characteristic that we all should develop. 

I know my parents would tell me your word is bond!  Mean what you say and say what you mean.  ACCOUNTABILITY!  Who are we being accountable to?  Do you value the words that you speak?  Do you live by the advice you give others?  Selah....

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What do You Really Want?

A few months back a young lady was complaining about the job she was working. She didn't really like it. It didn't pay enough.  It was boring.  It wasn't what she really wanted to do.  She had actually decided to submit her two weeks notice, but before she could turn it in, the company decided to terminate her.  Much to my surprise, she was actually upset about it.  I asked her why and she replied, it's just the way that it was done that upset her.  I shared with her, that it doesn't matter how it was done, she got the result she wanted...OUT.  She could now pursue her passion, but yet she was focused on how she was "wronged" that she couldn't celebrate the opportunity she'd been given.

Often times when what we hope and pray for does not come in the exact place and time we have plotted on our time line of life we celebrate the negative instead of the positive. We focus on the minor and allow the major to dissipate.

A young man had applied for a job that he really wanted overseas.  Weeks had passed by with no word.  He begin to give up.  He began to think to himself that he had not gotten the job.  His wife cut out a picture of the location of the job and hung it up.  He refocused and the next day the company called and offered him the position.

I was talking to my Bestie (my husband), and I was sharing some frustrations concerning a job. His response really helped me to refocus my goals. He simply asked why are you letting that job frustrate you? It's not your final destination; at the present time it is just a means to an end. Yes, he was correct. I immediately got my attitude in line and was back on track. My goal was back in focus.

REFOCUS, get a good support system around you.  Put up motivating visuals.  Think you can and you will, good, bad or indifferent.  Selah!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Lil Peanut

The little guy is so mannerly and even his lyrics are age appropriate. Lil Peanut is a 7 year old rapper. He is a ham! A great conversationalist and funny.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Self Driving Cars?

I was looking at the news and the topic was self driving cars and how they are testing them in California. My first thought was uncertainty. what if it crashes? How safe are the probabilities? How prepared would drivers be for something like this? Then I thought about the conveniences:

1. My daughter has to be at the bus stop every morning at 5:58am sharp..self driving car could take care of that! More sleep for me...YEEEESSSS

2. My daughter likes to be picked up after school and we live approximately 25 miles away and with traffic it takes about an hour to get hour....self driving car could take care of that! More time for me....YEEEESSSSS

3. My daughter likes to plan impromptu activities....self driving car could take care of that!

4. My daughter wants to learn how to drive, well with the self driving car why would you need to learn to drive? Just be a passenger the rest of your life.

So far I am siding with the self driving car. I mean think about it, some if not most trains do not have conductors. Selah...

Now that may be fancy, that self driving car!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

There are consequences to your actions. and you WILL Pay

WE all have made decisions and didn't really think about the consequences.
Some consequences were very minimal if that, and some you may still be paying for. In the video below everyone involved will think twice about the decisions they make.

What would you have done if you were in this situation? Leave a comment.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Don't Let Opportunities Pass you By

Have you ever bought a new car and once you bought it all of a sudden that's all you see on the highways and side streets. The mind is an awesome tool, whatever you are intrigued with you become focused on and therefore you are more aware of it.

This proves that your mindset can be changed, with no fancy persuasion.

QUICK STORY: A young man told me he went to a seminar and the speaker pulled out $100 and asked who wanted $100. Everyone raised their hands. He asked again, "Who wants $100.00?" Finally someone got it and ran up and took the money.

How many times have opportunities passed you by because of your mindset or just not being focused.

Don't let others dictate your outcome. Don't get bogged down with status quo or the norm, because that will keep you where you are and opportunity will pass you by daily.

TIP: Write down your vision/goals and focus on them. Hone in on it, strategize your success.

Monday, October 4, 2010

No more DRAMA!!

That is a declaration we should all make. Life is meant to be lived joyfully and stress free. The word "Stressed" was not even prevalent until the late nineties. That doesn't mean people were not having challenges it just means that our society has become engrossed with labeling every thing. Sometimes the best remedy is laughter. When is the last time you had a good laugh? Are you one that can see the silver lining in the mist of a storm or do you just see the dark clouds that hoover over? Do you eat problems like candy or do you allow them to consume you? Are you consumed with 90% negativity and 10% misery? I asked a guy at work was he having a good day and he had the best response, "That's all I ever have. I never have a bad day". GREAT declaration!

NOTE: God makes the day and he gives you the ability to choose how to use it, good, bad or indifferent. Choose to have good days.

QUESTION: Is it easier to say no because you are too lazy to say yes and put some work into change? Is it better to complain then resolve the challenge? Is it second nature for you to tear someone down then to say thank you and encourage them?

The people you hang around are a reflection of you
