Wednesday, September 29, 2010

So you were in a PINCH?!

SMH...when you don't plan properly this is what can happen:

Plan, Plan and then Plan AGAIN!!! Rehearse Rehearse Rehearse.  Know what you are getting before you put yourself out there.  Even though this guy did the right thing, they got the wrong results.

Not Fancy...that was just plain funny!

Monday, September 27, 2010

They did What?! How Crass is That!!!

How many times have you been out and about and someone does something that makes you go "Yuck!" ,,,"OMG"...."What the Devil?!" whip your head around for a second look just to confirm what you did or didn't see.  Uh Huh...I've been there a time or two myself. 

QUICK STORY: A group of co-workers go to dinner after work and the appetizers are set on the table.  Everyone starts grabbing different food items, well the one person that was using a fork to select all their food items looked around dauntingly and asked "why I am the only one, not allowed to select my food without a fork?"  well the coworkers went around the table and one by one began to explain why

  • you always take your index finger and swipe it under your nose and make gross noises.
  • you moved out of one condemned residence into another
  • you have shared health issues that should have been reserved for no one to hear or know except you and your doctor
SUMMARY: you do nasty things, you live in nasty places and you like to be with nasty people....basically we think you nasty.  

I bet that was not the expected answer. 

YOU CRASS if you:

  1. Adjust yourself in public and people see you and then you go and try to shake their hand.
  2. Pass gas/Fart in public and not excuse yourself.
  3. You burp and act like nothing happened.
  4. Change your clothing in the car in broad daylight
  5. Use the restroom and not wash your hands WITH SOAP! (Rinsing them with water alone and then using sanitizer is not cleaning your hands!)
  6. You know you have a breath problem but refuse to stop talking!
  7. You go to work or anywhere for that matter and refuse to wash and you know you stank!
  8. You eat other people's food out of the refrigerator at work!
  9. See someone waiting for a parking space and whip in front of them and take the space.
  10. Bring your kids to an adult movie and then refuse to take them out when they start crying. you fancy huh?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

What Mood are you Setting?

I was at a recent event. I was really excited about going, so of course I got my cute on.  Hair done , nails done, everything did, and YES I was Fancy! LOL...alright on with the point. 

We walk in through the doors and there was a great crowd, wonderful music, seating was ...well we were late so I will leave that alone, but anywho.. we got our seats. The room was dimly lit, a sultry voice started singing some nice jazz melodies...very appropriate...there was spoken word ( I was like oh my..this is going to set it off [good times tonight])....well it was set the left.  The piece performed was just too heavy for the atmosphere. ( I am looking at my love, with a confused and daunting look and he is returning the same look... you know the look) needless to say it took a moment to recoup. Thank God for an awesome band and DJ. They had to work a little harder to lighten up the mood and get minds back on "good times".  

NOTE: Remember when planning your event whether small or large, an intimate dinner or just a funky good time, ensure it flows. If you are going to have performances, ensure they are all complimentary to one another. Schedule a rehearsal or two to make sure everyone is on point with their performance. This will ensure that all your guests will have a great time.  You should have to kick people out, not have them leave in droves.  

So you fancy huh?

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Everybody DANCE!!!!

That first dance, or even the dances with the parents can be pretty emotional.  Remember to have FUN!!! Be your unique self.

These two brides were definitely FANCY!!!!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

When is enough...enough?

Lil Kim ...yes all three of these are her...

Pricilla Caputo
 How far are you willing to go to be "pretty", "beautiful" or "Sexy". I know I enjoy a compliment here and there and when attending those special events I put forth the effort to look "Fierce" know the routine ladies, french manicure, french pedi, wax the eyebrows, gotta get the lashes installed... the body exfoliation and massage...oh...let's not forget to wax those legs...(whole 'nother subject). There's nothing wrong with looking your best, but at what cost? I have not had any plastic surgery done, although I have thought about, but as a perused the internet I googled images "before and after surgery" and was amazed at what appeared. The amount of celebrities that manifested was expected it was the actually before and after pics that amazed me. Some of these women were perfectly fine before the surgery, but yet they felt a need to change or improve what they perceived as a flaw, but my question is when is enough, enough? Don't let others define who you are or what you should look like. Surround yourself with a good support system that will encourage you to be the best you. Take a look for of these women look like totally different people.

 so you Fancy, Foolish or just sad? huh?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Million Dollar Event on a $2 Budget...Really?

You want a million dollar event (ok, maybe a million is stretching it, but you get what I am saying), but you only want to spend $2. You want the best venue, the hottest DJ, the renowned photographer, the Iron Chef and the top designer to provide you their services because you want to impress all the social elite to your event.


Smh. That dawg won't hunt unless you (1) have the Moses parting the red sea kind of faith or (2) a rich uncle or friend, etc. So if you have none of the above how do you plan on executing this event?'s just gone happen by osmosis? That's right, you told all your friends and they are sure to help out. Uh Huh.

Often times we become over zealous. Our ideas are sometime bigger then the means, but we over look that hoping and a wishing someone will do us a favor and money will rain from the heavens and when it doesn't happen that way, then comes the disappointment and blame.We get angry and upset at others because if they had supported you more (even though they tried to talk reason to you), been at your beckon call, given their all just as you then it would have been a success.

Let me help you. Start where you are at. TWO things that will guarantee a successful event, Create a Plan and Determine your Budget:

(1) Determine your Budget List all the vendors and supplies you will need to pull off the event of the year. Price them. Create your guest list. How many people do you have to provide food and/or beverages for? (Note: Remember the more people you invite the more you spend on food/beverage.) How much decor do you need? Does the venue you're using provide decor in the price package you have agreed on?

(2) Create a Plan Now that you know how much money it takes to have this event. What steps do you take? Have you given yourself enough time to advertise your event, whether it's a party, wedding, or formal gala, who did you tell? Did your invitations go out in a timely manner, allowing your potential guests enough time to make proper arrangements to come? Do you have investors lined up? If you don't have the finance where is it coming from?

Example: JayQuin has planned a social gala for 150 people. Her budget is $1500 and in her mind that is more then enough for what she wants to do, after all she can rack up at the dollar store and have plenty left over...Oh WOW...

The average venue is $1000
The food and beverage cost is at least $20 per person (and that's a basic chicken dinner)
Photographer $500
DJ $350
Transportation $500

Already she has blown her budget and we haven't talked about decor (which she was probably gone get from the dollar store)...smh...

So you fancy huh?

Saturday, September 18, 2010 was a HOAX...Really


As the story unfolded,Bethany Storro stated a black woman attacked her..(hhhmmm...I said to myself, "Self, black women are known for throwing hot grits, hot boiling sugar or heavy objects (like pots and pans) know household items not obviously used for causing bodily injuries... you know stuff around the house. Who has acid laying around the house?" Really? To read all the details of the hoax click here

It is obvious that she has some serious issues and I hope she gets the help she needs. So you fancy huh?....uh.. not in this case

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Who's Event is it?

Have you ever asked a close friend or family member to help you plan an event and they agreed?  Little did you know that they would just take over your idea.  You share your vision and much to your dismay they don't even pay you any attention, (after all you asked for their assistance).  WRONG! Nip it in the bud at the start.  Let them know that although you appreciate their input, but if the input doesn't line up with the vision of your event, then it will not be utilized.   Often times people don't have a vision of their event so they seek the opinions of momma, auntie, or their bestie and end up lost. Get the right kind of help. There are free complimentary consultations available, as well as a vast of articles on the internet..  I've listed a few of my favorite resources.  Remember Who's Event is it anyway?  Take control and plan the successful event you envisioned.

A great event is one well planned. So you fancy huh?

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Good manners will take you a long way.  We have all heard it before, treat others the way you want to be treated. How often do you actually consider how you treat someone before you act it out? When you treat others disrespectfully just know somewhere down the line you will be treated disrespectfully. (This is your warning, so don't act brand new when it happens.)  A very wise man told me this and it holds true..."Hurt people, hurt people".

When planning special events, like your wedding it is suppose to be a joyous and stress free experience. Most of the time the stress that brides experience are due to (1) self induced situations (2) your demands are unrealistic (3) you paid for sub-par services (4) financial (5) emotional baggage just to name a few.

Contact A. Taylor Events and start planning your event stress free!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What does your underwear say about you? Fancy or Foolishness?

La-dees, La-dees…..Laaaa-Dees….how ya’ll doing out there?  I want to discuss UNDERWEAR.  What does your underwear say about you. Let’s take a quick etiquette quiz:

  1. When wearing knit shorts what type of underwear would you choose
    1. Cotton briefs
    2. Thong
    3. None
    4. Undie-Tectable Spanxs
    5. Boy Shorts
  2. When is it ever ok to wear daisy dukes as panties
    1. Never
    2. Rarely
    3. Occasionally
    4. That’s all I wear
  3. When is it ever ok to wear panties as shorts
    1. Never
    2. Rarely
    3. Occasionally
    4. That’s all I wear
  4. Whenever I wear white pants/shorts I should wear
    1. Black colored underwear
    2. Thongs
    3. Neutral colored underwear
    4. None
    5. White colored underwear
  5. Your dress is formal and the material is Satin, which shows flaws, which should you wear
    1. Cotton briefs
    2. Thong
    3. None
    4. Hide and Sleek Spanxs Smoother

Let’s go over the answers
·        When wearing knits choose underwear that is undectable, such as a panty smoother.  There are so many brands other then spanxs that carry great panty smoothers. (We talked about this in a previous blog, but if your booty and thighs have cellulite, you don’t want to go without a smoother.) Thin material tends to show more flaws so SPANX it up (d) was the correct answer. If you selected (a) you are on the right track but take a look in the mirror the next time and see which looks better the cotton or a smoother.

·         2&3.  I t is NEVER ok to wear daisy dukes as underwear and underwear as shorts! I have seen this and if you look below you will see it too. If you picked anything other than (a)… (deep sigh) you are foolish. (This is another blog subject)

·        When wearing a white or very light colored clothing it is good practice to wear neutral colored underwear such as neutral tone or beige.  This doesn’t bleed through the clothing.  It gives you a polished look as well. Most people probably choose black, which is incorrect because black bleeds through the clothing and it makes the light color look dingy or not as bright. The correct answer was (  c).

·         Some formal material is not as forgiving as others and satin does not forgive flaws.  It is imperative that you wear a smoother to ensure you have a nice polished look.  I saw some wedding photos of brides maids and the first photo the brides maids were looking straight ahead and I thought “those are some nice dresses” UNTIL I saw the next photo of them at an angle and some of the ladies were not spanxed up and you could really tell.  I could practically count the dimples…smh…not good.  Pictures don’t lie and neither am I.  It bares repeating, Spanx it up. The correct answer is (d).

So you fancy, huh?  

Monday, September 13, 2010

What cha mad for?....YOU paid for it!

You ever had someone offer you a service for FREE or at a discounted price and the service was sub-par,or better yet someone persuaded you to buy a product that guaranteed you immediate weight loss or clear, wrinkle free skin only to find out that it didn't work! Did that make you hot as fire?  Were you hot up under the collar?  Well....what are you mad for?  You paid for it!

Unfortunately people have good intentions but lousy follow through.  They over promise and under deliver.  They talk a good game.  They were really persuasive, after all it's FREE (or discounted because Meme asked Chante's momma's Auntie and she said she would charge you $150, wherein if you had went to a professional the same service would have been $300..she doing you a FAVOR)...DO NOT FALL FOR IT!!

Don't be enticed by free, discounts or favors, especially if you have not seen their work, worked with or used their services.  Even word of mouth is speculative (consider the source). What worked well for Sally may not always be what Sue envisioned.

Here are some Quick Tips

  • Do your homework. Research any vendor you are using, even if someone else is paying for it. It's your event.
  • Know what you want. Be precise and exact.
  • Put it in writing.  If someone is promising the moon, the stars AND the sun...get it in writing.
  • Get a second opinion.  Read reviews (this tip alone has saved me a lot of heart ache and grief).
  • Cheap is NEVER better.
  • Foolishness should never be an option
  • Fancy should always be the goal.

      Thursday, September 9, 2010

      Wedding Fashion Foolishness

      So you think you fancy huh?  Well who confirmed that for you? Oh you don't need confirmation 'cuz you all of that and then you just know you cute; As long as you look good to you, you are good? (Look below. Pictures can speak words that can not be uttered or understood until seen.)

      If you are going to spend your money on a memorable event, don't be tacky.  Invest in a Wedding or Event Planner.  Often times they will give you at least one Free complimentary consultation.  You can also receive hourly consultation.

      Love is blind and forgiving, but selecting the wrong color palette and style is not

      ......Shake my head.....Who told them to go with this idea?`

      Is she a bride or widow...I am confused.
      Love can sometime be FOOLISH.....(deep sigh)    

      IF these photos were not enough to convince you that your idea might be foolish, take a look at more

      Tuesday, September 7, 2010

      Is Your Wardrobe Fancy, Frugal or Foolishness?

      We have all gone to work, to the store, a wedding or special event and seen a wardrobe TRAVESTY.

       Here are some Tips for the Ladies:
      1. Stop wearing trendy fashions if you don't know your body type or size. Just because they make it in your size doesn't mean you were meant to wear it.  
      2. You know your clothes are not the right size
        • When you have a Muffin Top. (When your belly and back hang over the waist of the pants or skirt you are wearing).
        • When you are showcasing your "Booty Do" --that's when your belly sticks out farther then your booty do. ( To camouflage this wear a blouse or dress with an empire waster line.  It gives the appearance of a flatter belly)
        • When you wear a "V" neckline top with a defined area for your breast and the line halves your breast OR the breast sag below the line. (Not cute) Invest in a good support bra.  There are bras that lift your breast. (Trust me I know)
        • Daisy Dukes ain't cute! Sexy attire does not mean you have to have body parts hanging out.  Let's not be naked with clothes on.  Leave something to the imagination.  (That's the key to being attractive) ---A little know fact: 90% of men think a woman is most sexy/attractive when she has little to no revealed skin, but is dressed in tastefully tailored or well fitting clothing.
      3. Know what colors look good against your skin. (If you are planning a wedding, be mindful of the color schemes you are selecting for your bridal party. Contrary to traditional thinking, your bridal party is a reflection of you!)
      4. Spank it up! There are all types of body shapers, spanks, and even girdles that will smooth those dimples right out! There's nothing sexy about cellulite (not even in a thong)
      Side Note:  Invest in a floor mirror.  Take a smaller mirror and look at your backside.  You will be amazed! You may see a flawless body OR back fat, full body love handles and/or the dreadful cellulite booty.  Listen, whether you have a big booty, wide booty, or no booty at all, SPANK IT UP.

      Click on this link and take the quiz, it may just reveal some good fashion sense to you.Are You Wearing the Right Clothes for Your Body Shape?

      Guys I didn't forget about you.  Here is your tip:

      PLEASE when wearing a suit get it altered! There's nothing dapper about an ill fitting suit.  For the record single breasted suits with skinny tapered legs is not for everyone! Like I shared with the ladies, just because they make it in your size doesn't mean it's your style.  Your body type determines your style.  Gentlemen please refer to the side note above.

      So you Fancy huh?

      A, Taylor Opinion

      Monday, September 6, 2010

      Paper, Plastic or Linen

      This is a question a lot of people ask when planning an event.  Should I use paper products, plastic or bring out the good china.  Here are some guidelines:

      FANCY:  If the event is formal and your guests are VIPs and dignitaries, it goes without saying that paper and plastic is not an option.Go with nice dinnerware, glassware, silverware, cloth napkins and linen tablecloths.

      FRUGAL: If the event is semi-formal and your guests are VIPs, family and friends;  my first choice would be nice dinnerware, glassware, silverware, cloth napkins and linen tablecloths, however CLEAR plastic dinnerware, eating utensils, fine dinner paper napkins and cups with linen tablecloths is exceptable.

      If the table and decor is really nice you may not even need a tablecloth. (Always get a second opinion)

      FOOLISHNESS:  If the event is formal or semi-formal and you decide to go with colored plastic or paper plates and cups with  paper tablecloths, that is NOT cool.  I don't care how well you have coordinated the colors and the theme is on point, guess what it will still look cheap. to your guests. (Please get a second opinion if you don't think this is foolish)

      Always consider the cost when you are planning an event.  Save the paper plates and colored themes for the kiddie parties.  Your events reflect you.  IF you give the persona of elegance and your event comes across as cheap, your creditability will be questioned. We've heard the phrase "Fake it til you make it" well in event planning that phrase will not get you very far, but if you plan properly and have the right kind of help you will not need to "Fake it:" or skimp by with paper and plastic.

      So you fancy huh?

      Sunday, September 5, 2010

      The Photographer

      OMG!! Pictures always tell the vision and the right photographer can capture that.  We've all gone to different events and someone is going to have a camera.  Photos are important because they capture those special moments we want to remember and share with those that may not have been there or just to reminence on good times.  Often times when we look at photos we relive the image that we are looking at; the emotions whether good or bad, happy or sad like family photos, school photos (especially those elementary pics...OMG).  Well when hosting an event, such as a wedding, it is quite natural to want photos taken of such a life changing event.

      FRUGAL: Trying  to skimp on the photography,  You can get an inexperienced photographer and guess what, you have a 50/50 chance of getting some good photos, if you get any at all.  Having your guests take photos with disposable cameras and then sending you the photos back. Well most of the time they take the cameras home and forget to send you the photos; or they take all the photos of themselves and moments that were important to them.  I could go on and on about how people try to avoid investing in a good photographer, but I want to encourage anyone that's getting married to invest in a good photographer.

      FANCY: To invest in a photographer who captures your moments and the photos actually tell your story.  When people look at them they have some of the same emotions or can at least see them expressed in film.  I have been married for 20 years and my husband and I still look at our wedding photos and reminence on the beginning.  It makes us laugh and also it helps us to remember why we got married....LOVE. That's what photos are suppose to do.  Our children look at those photos and they can see two young people in love. Most photographers that enjoy what they are doing are willing to work with you.  Just step out of your box and invest in a good photographer  for wedding , family or just plain ole LOVE photos.  A picture is worth a thousand words and sometimes even priceless; but how would you know if you never invested in a good photographer.

      QUICK STORY:  I was at a reception recently and let me tell you, when you get family and friends together to celebrate can be FUN and boy did I have fun.  There were some great gut busting laughs, the only thing missing was a photographer to capture those GREAT moments, what a shame....smh.

      NOTE:  I had the pleasure of meeting a very talented photographer today, Lori Lee.  Check out her website or on Facebook.   

      So you Fancy huh?

      A. Taylor
      A. Taylor made opinion especially for you

      Saturday, September 4, 2010

      Fancy, Frugal, or Foolish

      So you want to plan an event but you don't want to spend a lot of money...ah huh. Well let me ask you a few more questions. What is your budget? How much to you want to spend? What is the vision you have for your event?...(Pause...If I were talking specifically about a type of event such as a WEDDING I would be referring to BOTH the bride and groom. Many people are under the misconception that the wedding day is all about the BRIDE but it's not, it's about starting a LIFE with your LOVE partner...I digress) you want to be fancy and frugal but not foolish.

      To think you can have a successful event without a plan. So you don't want to pay for much you want to ask momma and 'nem to help. Someone can make the cake another can take care of the decor, and oh yeah I can ask Auntie T to cook the food for the event... If it's not planned properly and if the people are not reliable and dependable this could be a foolish idea.

      1. It will prove to be stressful for everyone,
      especially if they are also part of the event/wedding party.
      2. You are depending on others for the success of your reception event. You run the risk of people backing out at short notice or no notice at all.
      3. Will you have enough of everything. Will Auntie T bring enough vegetables for all of your guests or will she have just enough for her four and no more?
      4. If it looks fake it looks cheap.

      Shake my Head (SMH)...I've seen it one time to many. It really doesn't work unless you have family and friends that are very resilient and can meet deadlines and follow the instruction of a good event planner.

      You get what you pay for...FREE is not always a good deal, but planning is.

      Quick story about FREE but FURIOUS: A bride hired a friend to be her wedding planner. The bride expected the planner to take care of the details. Well one high stressed day, the bride called the planner and frantically asked her to take care of something...the planner replied "I don't have time for that, I am too busy!"

      NOTE: Paid service can be good or bad...make sure when you hire someone you are getting your money's worth. Ensure they know what you expect of them. Good planners will tell you from the start what they will and will not do. Do your homework. If you are planning an event, talk with people that have already planned something similar and see who they used. Referrals are a wonderful gift.

      So you fancy huh?