Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 "Note to Self"

As I was cleaning my desk and going through files and note pads I came across some good stuff.  When I hear or read something good or inspiring I often times make a "Note to Self" of it for reference.  So in times like this it often serves as a reminder.  Hopes this inspires you as it has inspired me.

1.  You'll never know who you are 'til you discover who you're not. We must be comfortable with accepting our flaws. How can we make changes in our lives if we are in tune with the way we feel about ourselves. You have to be honest with yourself.  The worst deceiver is one who chooses to deceive themselves.

2.  Your life is the life you choose to live. If your life is miserable, could it be because you are too lazy to change?  You must create the rality you want.  Nothing changes if NOTHING Changes. Too many people choose to be lazy and not change.

3.  Being poor is an economic condition that doesn't have to be permanent, but being broke is a disabling state of mind and spirit that affects all aspects of your life. If you are poor that's only a financial set back that can be changed.  Do not be poor in your mind, for if you do you will always be broke.

4.  In order to fix a problem you first have to be aware of it!

5.  You should always expect the things you accept. This applies to both people and situations. Meaning if you accept that somebody treats you or talks to you in a disrespectful way, then you should always expect them to keep doing it.  But if you nip that in the bud, they won't do it anymore because you will have established  your bottom line.

6.  You can often tell how successful you will be in life and your career based o n the five people you spend the in most time with.

7.  The worst boss is a blind boss who is unaware of the most important inner dealings of their business.

8.  When someone shows you who they are Belive them!

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