Thursday, December 29, 2011

Be Careful Little Mouth What You Say!

The year is almost to an end and I wanted to leave you with this thought:  Once spoken words can not be taken back, so be careful what you say!

I learned this lesson when I was thirteen I spoke some mean words to my mother and after I came to my senses, I apologized profusly. She replied  " Uh huh, but  the thing about that is, that's how you felt at the time". Out of the heart the mouth will speak. (selah) From that day forward I have been mindful of what I say and how I say it, for once spoken they can not be retrieved.

In the heat of anger sometimes you say things you ordinarily would not say; even out of hurt you say things to ensure the recipient feels the pain you are feeling.  As time passes you are back in your happy place and your words are still lingering in the mind of the person you spoke them to, in the mind of the person they rehearsed them to and in the mind of the people who may have heard you.  Those hurt filled, painful words are still lingering out there and you have moved on.  Then you wonder why that person doesn't want to talk to you.  SMH

End the year reconciling relationships you have damaged with your words.  Embrace 2012  being a better your, using tact and being mindful of what you say before you say it.  May you have a happy and prosperous New Year!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great blog and if I have learned anything from this blog it's how to think before I speak. Thanks for all your insight
