Tuesday, March 8, 2011

No More Limits

I am back! Been sooooo busy! I was listening to an inspirational song and one of the lines on the song was "the sky ain't the limit no mo, cuz the sky is way too low". I like that. It helped me realize that the sky IS a limit and I was created with unlimitless possibilities!

I watched the movie Conviction, which was based on a true story about siblings, a brother and sister. The sister became a lawyer to get her brother out of jail because she believed he was innocent. The most insightful incident was when she passed the bar and she requested the evidence, they told her the evidence had been destroyed. Initially she was distraught, but she would not accept that answer....she relentlessly pursued her goal which was to find DNA evidence to clear her brother. She went to the location where the files were supposedly destroyed. The clerk was so adamant that the evidence had been destroyed but that didn't detour her from asking the clerk too check again and because she wouldn't accept the answer they found the box of evidence that was "destroyed"!

All things are possible IF you believe! If you think you will succeed, you will.

Remember to surround yourself with people that will support and unite with you.

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