Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Prince Experience - Videos



MORE SONGS: When Doves Cry
                            I would Die for You  

 SONGS: Adore and Finale

The Prince Experience- Photos

Monday, March 28, 2011

Is YOUR Mindset Holding You Back?

Where you are in your life does not determine where you are going, it is just a reflection of your achievements or failures.  So you haven't made your first million yet, keeping pressing towards that mark.  Don't you know consistency is the key. Hang arounnd people who have achieved you are aspiring to obtain and ask them if you can intern with them.  You have to count the cost for whatever you are aspiring to be or do.

You can not be lazy. If you are not willing to work your vision, please believe no one else is going do it for you.  If you are the type of person that have grand ideas and goals, but you loose focus easily, my question to you is What is your purpose?  Why do you want to do what you do?  Who is it going to benefit?  Can you do this for free and still produce a great product or service?  What is your motivator?  Time, Money, Status, Advancement of Humanity...etc...

I am an event planner/designer and I love what I do.  If I never get a celebrity platform/millioniare status, guess what I a perfectly confident and pleased with what I am and have accomplished thus far. I am sure of my purpose. Money is wonderful and I do want to make lots of it, but my motivator is the passion that I have for my craft/gift.  I know without a doubt that every project that I am a part of is going to be done in excellence, without stress and pressure and the people who part-take in the event will have a memorable time!  I ensure that the team of people that I work with understand the importance of agreement.  We all say the same thing we mind the same thing.  By doing this the end product/service is that of excellence and a happy, stress free client. 

Have I had opposition? Yes.  My biggest opposition was my MINDSET.  No one was telling me that I couldn't do it, quite the oppose I have a great support system.  I was just afraid.  What if I failed? What if I get rejected? counter questions are What if you don't fail?  What if you don't get rejected?  I constantly said to MYSELF you can do's great to have a support system but you have to be the main supporter.  You must believe in yourself and the abilities that GOD have given you.  I know I do.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Supporter or Complainer

Quite naturally you will probably say you support more then you complain.  The average person will tell you that they are not complaining they are merely pointing out facts that need to be changed OR they are just merely stating how they feel...their opinion on the subject. Uh HUH...well buddy you are a complainer.  Take a look at the defininition:

Complain Defined:
1. to express dissatisfaction, pain, uneasiness, censure, resentment, or grief; find fault: He complained constantly about the noise in the corridor.
2.  to tell of one's pains, ailments, etc.: to complain of a backache. make a formal accusation: If you think you've been swindled, complain to the police.

1. Complain, grumble, growl, whine  are terms for expressing dissatisfaction or discomfort. To complain  is to protest against or lament a wrong: to complain about high prices.  To grumble  is to utter ill-natured complaints half to oneself: to grumble about the service. Growl  may express more anger than grumble : to growl in reply to a question. To whine  is to complain in a meanspirited way, using a nasal tone: to whine like a coward, like a spoiled child.

IF you complain habitually you are a COMPLAINER!  

Support Defined:  
1. to bear or hold up (a load, mass, structure, part, etc.); serve as a foundation for.
2. to sustain or withstand (weight, pressure, strain, etc.) without giving way; serve as a prop for.
3. to undergo or endure, especially with patience or submission; tolerate.
4. to sustain (a person, the mind, spirits, courage, etc.) under trial or affliction: They supported him throughout his ordeal. maintain (a person, family, establishment, institution, etc.) by supplying with things necessary to existence; provide for: to support a family. uphold (a person, cause, policy, etc.) by aid, countenance, one's vote, etc.; back; second. maintain or advocate (a theory, principle, etc.). corroborate (a statement, opinion, etc.): Leading doctors supported his testimony. act with or second (a lead performer); assist in performance: The star was supported by a talented newcomer.
10.the act or an instance of supporting.
11.the state of being supported.
12.something that serves as a foundation, prop, brace, or stay.
13.maintenance, as of a person or family, with necessaries, means, or funds: to pay for support of an orphan.
14.a person or thing that supports, as financially: The pension was his only support.
15.a person or thing that gives aid or assistance. actor, actress, or group performing with a lead performer.
17.the material, as canvas or wood, on which a picture is painted.
18. Stock Exchange . support level

Make a decision to be a GOOD support to your family, friends, co-workers, and/or organization that you are a part of.  Remember in any organization there is one visionary,  and if you are not the visionary then your duty is to SUPPORT the vision! If you are constantly complaining about your organization, job, etc...maybe it's time for change. Life should be enjoyed and if you are complaining alot you are not enjoying life.  

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Here's Your Sign!

A few weeks ago I went out of town.  Anyone that knows me knows that I love shoes.  While in the hotel room a commercial came on about a shoe warehouse. They advertised they were open on Sundays, which it was.
Sooooo off we go to the shoe warehouse. Got the address in my GPS ..I am good. I thought to myself we will be there in no time.Much to my dismay this is what I saw when I got there.
First of all why should I have to call?  The commercial said you were open.  Secondly WHO am I going to call there is NO PHONE NUMBER!.  

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Do You Accept Compliments?

I know you are thinking, Of Course I do. I know I thought I was, until one day I was walking past a young lady and she said "You look great." I replied "Really, girl you don't see all these imperfections? I am trying to keep up with you.  If I could just get rid of this belly and tighten up these thighs..." She replied, " I complimented to you and all you had to say was "Thank You" but you instead ranted about your imperfections.  I was stunned.  She was absolutely correct. 

How many times have you done that or have you even noticed?  This past weekend I went to two events and at both I happen to sit by women who were considerably smaller in size then I and in both instances they complained about their non existent belly roll. (I am sighing and rolling my eyes).  SERIOUSLY...if the "Belly Roll" disappears when you stand AIN'T and belly roll...your stomach is just 

A belly roll, love handle, muffin top and any other cute name you can think up is referring to the abdomen that sticks out  all the time: when you sit down, stand up, that rolls over the top of your pants/skirt/shorts, or that is noticeable in a thick polo shirt. 

I want to challenge you. The next time someone compliments you, just say THANK YOU and leave it at that.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The House is On FIRE!!!! Kids Prank Mom

This is funny.  Watch the video first, but I got some questions.

WHY did the mom send  her CHILD to get RUFUS as she runs to safety? WHO DOES THIS?!


Saturday, March 12, 2011

While I was Waiting.....

I ordered a new tire  from Gerald's Tires, to replace the one that was damaged while driving on highway 78. (By the way, did you know that if your vehicle is damaged due to dibris you can file a damage claim and they will pay for  

I decided to get there early ( they open at 8: 00 and I got there at 7:40) uuuuuhhhhmmmmmm... Why is there a FRIGGIN' LINE!! OMG.. It's 37° outside and now I got to stand outside in this line!

You would have thought they were selling the next latest and greatest Droid ( thought I was gone say I-phone..huh)...Once we get inside I thought these two older men were gone fight because one guy appeared to be cutting the is crazy on its not even 9: 00am....   I hopye your day starts out better and warmer then mine.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Burglar Calls 911 and Reports HIMSELF

Dimwit, Wise or BOTH? 

Dimwit for burgularizing the house!!!!
Wise for calling 911 to save his life, he could have gotten killed!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

No More Limits

I am back! Been sooooo busy! I was listening to an inspirational song and one of the lines on the song was "the sky ain't the limit no mo, cuz the sky is way too low". I like that. It helped me realize that the sky IS a limit and I was created with unlimitless possibilities!

I watched the movie Conviction, which was based on a true story about siblings, a brother and sister. The sister became a lawyer to get her brother out of jail because she believed he was innocent. The most insightful incident was when she passed the bar and she requested the evidence, they told her the evidence had been destroyed. Initially she was distraught, but she would not accept that answer....she relentlessly pursued her goal which was to find DNA evidence to clear her brother. She went to the location where the files were supposedly destroyed. The clerk was so adamant that the evidence had been destroyed but that didn't detour her from asking the clerk too check again and because she wouldn't accept the answer they found the box of evidence that was "destroyed"!

All things are possible IF you believe! If you think you will succeed, you will.

Remember to surround yourself with people that will support and unite with you.