Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Are you a Good Leader?

With few exceptions, the man who can not follow a leader intelligently, cannot become an efficient leader. The man who can follow a leader most efficiently, is usually the man who develops into leadership most rapidly. An intelligent follower has many advantages, among them the opportunity to acquire knowledge from his leader. - Napoleon Hill

This quote says a lot and should cause you to assess your abilities, ideas, character, etc.  Do you even consider yourself a leader? (Well leaders are not necessarily management positions. Are you the head of your household?  Does your family look to you for the majority of their answers?  How about your friends? Are you the go to person in your circle of friends?  Leadership Roles come in various forms.  Here are some characteristics of a great leader:

  • Confidence- No one will follow you if you lack confidence and if they do they won't for very long.
  • Self-control- If you can't control yourself how you gone control (give guidance to others?)
  • Integrity- No leader can command and retain the respect of their followers without integrity.
  • Decision Maker - An indecisive leader shows that they are unsure of themselves and will not be able to lead others successfully.
  • Have a Plan- A leader without a plan is like a ship without a rudder.
  • Great Example- A leader will not ask their followers to do something they are not willing to do.  A leader sets the example and order how things should be.
  • Personality- Display of caring, respect and positive attitude. Sympathy for people and what they are challenged with. Self centered people will not make good leaders for they will always put themselves ahead of everyone else.
  • Detail Oriented
  • Responsible - Takes full responsibility for the shortcomings and mistakes of their followers.  Does not throw them under the bus. 
  • Cooperation-  Promotes the cooperation of everyone for a successful outcome.
Leadership by force may get accomplishments but not true followers for they will fear you, complain and eventually leave.  Leadership by consent and sympathy is more effective for there is a sense of genuine care and respect. No matter what type of leadership role you have be the best! Be Effective!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Stop Hoarding and Organize!

I am sure many of you are convinced that you are not a hoarder, but I am sure that if you were away from your home and/or office and you had to tell someone to get something for you, they probably could not find it.  Ok..so that doesn't mean you are a hoarder but it does indicate that you may need help organizing. Get in gear, Spring is right around the corner and there are services available to you if you are not a good organizer, or you may be a good organizer you just don't have the time.

w: www.stylebyconstantine.com
e: stylebyconstantine@gmail.com
blog: www.
Featured Business: Style by Constantine

Style by Constantine is owned by Michelle Forrester.  I have worked with Michelle for  many years and she has proven to be a valuable source of information, talent and friendship.  She has a blog that is full of wonderful tips. Take a gander.

This company organizes Home Offices, Closets and various other spaces.  It has been said that your home reflects you life.  If your home is clutter it's very possible that your life is too.  Declutter NOW don't wait until spring.  Contact Style by Constantine NOW.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Are You Ready?

Spring is just around the corner and so are a lot of spring weddings.  This week I will feature different businesses that will be helpful to you going forward in 2012. 

Featured Business: Red Shoe Gardening

I have had the pleasure of working with Alexandria Flynn, owner of Red Shoe Gardening.  Her company designs, installs and maintains anything garden related.

As an event planner I like to use various vendors and I thought I would share.  Some clients like to feel as though they are investing and not wasting their money when planning an event.  By using plants, annuals and or perennials for an event can be quite rewarding.  With a little creativity and maintenance well after your event is over you will still have a beautiful garden. whether it's in a container or planted in ground.

If you fit in one of these categories you may need to call Red Shoe Gardening:

Commercial : Need a little curb appeal for your store front or office building
Residential:  For those of us that just don't have the green thumb but love the visual that flowers and a nice put together garden brings
Weddings and outdoor events can really benefit from her service.  You will be investing in products that will last longer then cut flowers.

One of the great perks of doing business with the Red Shoe Gardening team is, they will come to you!  Visit her website or give her a call and set up your spring consultations now!

   t: 843-425-1907

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

FOOD for THOUGHT: Talent vs Purpose

Is what you doing based on talent or purpose? These two words have some similar characteristics but they are quite different.  Talent is a special natural ability or aptitude. Purpose is the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used, etc. What were you made to do?  Are you doing it?

Your talent(s) can lead you to your purpose for talent just like purpose has a capacity for achievement or success or ability, but your talents are not always your purpose.  Your purpose will leave little hints. Purpose is driven determination, resoluteness of a desired goal. Find your purpose and you will live your destiny


Monday, January 9, 2012

To RSVP or Not to RSVP, that is the Question

Are you guilty of not RSVPing...(I know... the ing....) (chuckling to myself). Well you don't realize the importance until you are planning your event and realize the cost depends on how many people are coming.  You don't want to over spend and God forbids if too many people show up and you run out of food and beverage. OMG (We all have gone to a social at least once where the event runs out of food before you even get a chance to a a first nibble OR they are so skimpy on the servings you ask yourself why did they even bother having this event?   LOL) Been there and done that, hence the importance of responding to an invitation. 

The French phrase "répondez s'il vous plaît" (RSVP) means "please reply" in English.  It is used when someone wants to know by a specific date, whether you intend to come or not.  Use your manners and reply.  Call, email or the preferred method, hand write your response.  For most formal/semi-formal socials you normally receive an invitation with a response card included. Be kind and fill it out and send it back before the date indicated.  More informal socials such as parties and such you can normally get by with a phone call, text or email.

Think of it this way, if it was your money wouldn't you expect a response?  In this time of economic concern be considerate and always respond whether you will be in attendance or not.  Always respond.