Thursday, May 26, 2011

She's Always there!

I was talking with a daughter, and she said something profound, "No matter what your children do, no matter how angry they get at you, how big of an attitude displayed when they cry out for help and even when they don't you are always there. As kids we often forget that our parents are there for us until we "need" them. That's how God is."   I could fully relate to what she was saying.

As a young teenager I remember arguing with my mom and feeling like she didn't understand me or my situation.  Then days later frantically going to her for her advice and help over something totally unrelated to our previous tiff. smh...It wasn't' until I became an adult with children of my own and realized that she has always been there.  Whether I acknowledged her or not, whether I wanted her to be or not, she has always been there; whether I felt like she wasn't there, she was.  What a God like characteristic to have!

Can others say that about you?  Are you genuinely a helpful and caring person? Are you always there? Do you display that characteristic?  You may not have the money that person needs, but the advice you give could be more valuable; You may not be able to physically be there, but the time you invested talking to them on the phone could be more valuable.  You rearranging your schedule/agenda to show support to someone could be more valuable then just sending a gift and/or just sending a gift and kind words, just because could make all the difference in the world.  (NOTE: Not everyone have hidden agendas, there are really some good Samaritans out there.)

Let's help our fellow sister and brother live successful lives by supporting, inspiring, sharring, loving, giving, listening and adhering to biblical principals, such as

1. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you"  If you can't stand for people to yell and disrepect you then don't you do don't like when people display a nasty attitude, then don't you do it; you don't like when people spread untruths(or truths) about you then don't you do it; you don't like messy people, then don't be a messy person.  Such a simple principle.

2.  If you don't have nothing nice to say, then keep quiet, especially when it may bring hurt, humiliation and scarring to someone.  Sometimes your slick words, or quick wit is harmful to others, who may display a hard shell but are truly a softy. Choose your words wisely and carefully.  Be quick to listen and slow to answer.  Don't always shoot off at the mouth, the first thing that pops into your head...sometimes it just ain't cute.

Live Love Respect and have fun doing it. 

Even though I used my mother...I am not just limiting this to mothers, there are fathers, husands, uncles, aunts, grandparents, teachers and many many others who could play an important role in your support system, my question to you is do you recognize who they are or do you totally disregard the fact that they are a constant in your life and they are ALWAYS THERE?

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