Thursday, December 9, 2010

So you ASHY Huh?

WE all have seen that person who think they have it all together, but when you look them over they are ASHY!!! They have ashy hands, lips, elbows or feet...if they have on shorts...knees!!! Stop this travesty!!! Pass this along to everyone who stays ashy...we got to get the word out!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Cry for Help?

I wonder why people claim they want change but when it comes they complain about it!

Weight Loss - you complain that you want to loose weight but then when good suggestions come your way like
  • Hire a trainer   EXCUSE:  Girl I ain't got no money for that, times is hard
  • Join a gym       EXCUSE:  I just said I don't have extra money for that
  • Walk or Job    EXCUSE:  Girl it's too cold outside; I have bad knees
  • Diet/Change your eating habits     EXCUSE: Girl I don't diet, it doesn't work
A Companion - you complain you need a mate and then when you get that mate you complain
  • They work too much (They need to get a real job)
  • They don't do chores, cook or clean (I can't do nothing, they always cleaning)
  • They don't talk to me or listen (they talk too much)
  • They don't send me flowers (Every time I turn around they giving me something)
  • They don't spend enough time with me (Every time I turn around they in my face)
A Promotion - you complain you should have gotten the promotion and then when you do get it
  • They don 't pay me enough to do all of this
  • I have so much to do and not enough help

When you get your desire, whatever it may be, appreciate the gift and don't complain about it. Enjoy life!!!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

In Plain Sight, Slaves

When I saw this story I was truly alarmed and sadden. I thought to myself  is this happening in my city?  Think about how many times have you visited your favorite nail or braiding salon and seen the rotation of nail techs...and then when you ask where they are, they give your a flimsy answer? Selah

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


When is the right time to tell someone they are funky as h- e - double hocky sticks?  What if the person is a repeat offender?  Do you throw tact right out the window and just tell them or do you discreetly pull them aside?  Do you make a loud statement voicing somebody STANK!

I am not talking about someone who just finished working out and maybe a little odorous from the physical activity. I am talking about that person who comes to work at 5am in the morning and smell like they bathed in elephant funk mixed with two days of rotten garbage.  (Whew...just thinking about it I gagged a little)..I can't even talk right now...

TRUE STORY: It was three men working in an aircraft.  Two were inside and one was standing at the door.. One of the men that was inside the aircraft came rushing out, shaking his head looking disgruntle and bewildered.  The young man standing outside of the aircraft asked what was wrong, he stated " Boy... Boy (gags a little) ....catches his breath.....that guy's breath's so strong it could kill a MOOSE!"