Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Organized Bride

We have all been frustrated a time or two when a plan just didn't come together as we invisioned.  Our plans included everything running smoothly.  Everyone involved would be more then overjoyed to participate in this event, especially since YOU were planning it.   Hmmmm ..then slowly the plans start unraveling and you are overwhelmed by the planning of it all.  You have checklists for the checklists and everyone seems to be hiding from you and no one is answering your calls.

ORGANIZATION.  This just means your processes by which you plan are effective and organized.  They make sense and they flow.  

Many Brides start out very enthusiastic about planning their wedding, only to be tired, stressed and miserable on their wedding day.  It shouldn't be that wayTIP:  Consult with an Event PLANNER.  Pay the extra to get the advice you need to plan a successul and stress free event.  Don't sweat the small stuff.  If you are NOT a good PLANNER, then Hire One.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Are You Sleeping on Your Dreams?

Are you sleeping on your dreams?  What are you doing daily to attain your goals?  Have you achieved any of the goals you set at the beginning of the year?

Today take the time to evaluate the following: 

1. Yourself.  Are you holding you back?  Have you let some things slip? Are you making excuses? Are you lazy? Are you a time waster?  Have you lost focused?

2Your Support Team.  Do you have the right people around you? Are the people you surround yourself with encouraging or discouraging?  Do you take heed to the advice or wisdom they share with you or do you make excuses?   

Really ask yourself those questions and be truthful.  By doing so, you will learn more about yourself. You will be able to recognize your strengths and weaknesses in some areas and you will be able to move forward towards success.

Make a quality decision to be successful today.  Work on your goals everyday. Start TODAY.
Let's GO!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Do You Know Why the Wedding Ring is Worn on the Fourth Finger?

Do you know why the wedding ring is worn on the fourth finger? The Chinese give a beautiful explanation to this. The thumb represents your parents. The index finger represents your siblings. The middle finger represents yourself. The ring finger represents your life partner. The little finger/pinky represents your children. Hold your hands together like the picture. Join your middle fingers back-to-back, and the remaining fingers tip-to-tip. Now, try to separate your thumbs. They will separate because your parents are not destined to live with you forever. Rejoin your thumbs and separate your index fingers. They will separate because your siblings will have their own families and lead their own lives. Rejoin your index fingers and separate your little fingers/pinkies. They will separate because your children will grow up, get married, and settle down. Rejoin your little fingers/pinkies and try to separate your ring finger. They will not be able to separate because your life partner is meant to be with you throughout your entire life, through thick and thin.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Think About This

Who have you helped lately?  How have you helped lately? Who have you encouraged lately?   Has any one encouraged you? If so how did you thank them? What are you thankful for thus far?  What blessings, good fortune, or wonderful event has happened and changed your life?  Do you celebrate only the big events in your life or do you include the small milestones as well?

Find something to be thankful for. Make a conscious decision not to complain today. Go out of your way to help someone...receive help from someone if you are very prideful...Make a positive change today. Be Nice and Positive Today.

Sometimes a kind word to someone or just genuinely listening to someone as they express themselves can make a difference in someones life.  Simple etiquette is not dead, people appreciate it...simple gestures such as a smile; a simple greeting, "How are you today". (Now when greeting someone don't ask if you really are not concerned, instead just say "Hello...Good Afternoon...etc)...I recently helped an elderly woman carry something to her vehicle and I said..."Travel safely"...she replied, "You too"...I walked away thinking how insincere...I am not travelling anywhere....lol 

It's the small things that we say or do that makes a difference in how your sincerity is received.  Make a conscious decision to be nice and considerate to someone...use your manners and be cordial.