Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Closed Mouths Don't Get Fed.... and They Don't Get Help Either...

How many times have we've gone through a situation or have been faced with challenges that we thought no one would understand? Have you ever been to embarrassed to admit you made a mistake and now need help getting out of the situation?

I've heard the saying "Closed mouths don't get fed". That's true, but I thought about it and added "Closed mouths don't get help either"....think about it can people help you if you never ask for it.  So many times we have heard, "I am not a mind reader", but yet when we are in a bind and we become to afraid to ask for help, that's exactly when we want people to do, read our minds.  Although we may not be able to read minds, let's listen closely to one another. Say an encouraging word to those you come in contact with. You never know what kind word can change someone's mindset.

TIP:  If you need help but you are not sure who to go to, call your Pastor, someone close to you, but reach out and receive the help. Ask for help.

Live life expecting the Best! Remember there's no storm that lasts forever...